Discount Items Overview

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    Discount Items refer to products or services that are offered at a reduced price or a lower cost than their regular retail price. The “Discount Items” app aids organizations and their customers by providing a streamlined platform to manage and access discounted products or services. It allows organizations to showcase special offers, sales, or promotions on specific items by giving them easy visibility into discounted offerings enhancing their overall experience.

    Stages Workflow

    Field name Description
    Active The Discount item is available for purchase or use
    Not Purchasable The Discount item is displayed but cannot be purchased or used at the moment
    Inactive The Discount item is no longer available for purchase or use

    Default Portlets & Widgets:

    In the layout view, a Portlet accurately represents each functionality, and its corresponding data is precisely viewed as a Widget. The following section includes the default portlets and widgets of the Discount Items App.


    This section contains the details of the Discount items and their specifications

    Field name Description
    Item Name Displays the name of the item for which a Discount is applied. The item name is used to identify and differentiate between different products within the inventory
    SKU (Stock keeping Unit) Displays the Stock keeping Unit (SKU) code for product identification that identifies a product distinctly. SKU is a unique code used to identify each product stocked in a retail outlet for inventory and tracking purposes.
    LoB The LoB (Line of business) segment of the Discount item is displayed. A business segment can be identified by the product(s) sold or services provided or by geographical locations that the company operates in.
    HSN Code Displays the HSN code of the Discount item. HSN (Harmonized System of Nomenclature) Code is an internationally accepted code that classifies goods and products for taxation and customs purposes
    Applied On Displays whether the Discount Item is applicable for Sales, Purchases or Both
    Account Name The specific customer or user account that is associated with the creation or issuance of the Discount item


    Comments or short notes about about the Discount Item are displayed

    Activity Log provide users with essential information, notifications, and real-time updates to keep them engaged and informed about key activities in apps related to updates, notifications, and stage changes.

    Comments User can write short notes or comments about the Discount items
    Created Date The date when the Discount Item is created
    Created By The name of the users who created the Discount Item
    Last Updated Date Date when the last recent modifications made to the Discount Item
    Last Updated By Name of the person or user who last made the modifications
    Status Current status of the Discount item is displayed
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.
    in Discount Items
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