Shifts Update

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    The process to Edit the Shift details is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Apps > Settings > Search for the Shifts App > Select the Shift Name > Edit (Pencil Icon) 

    If user wants to update the already existing Shift details, user needs to click on ‘Edit’ option at the top right corner and fill in the required details.

    Edit Shift

    Field name Description
    Shift Name Enter a name for the shift
    Series The system automatically takes series as Shifts
    From Time Set ‘From time’ (Start time) of the shift from the clock
    To Time Set ‘To time’  (End time) of the shift from the clock
    Applicable For Select whether the shift is applicable for departments or branches. And select department names or branch names from the list respectively
    More Options: User can click on more options for advanced options
    Shift Margins User can click on the toggle to enable shift margins. The Toggle turns to green in color when enabled and red when disabled


    Weekend Definition

    Field name Description
    Days User can define the weekend by selecting required day for the week and for the month

    Apply all the details and click on “Save”

    Updates in Details Portlet

    The process to Create Included Employees is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Apps > Settings > Search for the Shifts App > Select the Shift Name > Included Employees > Create (+)

    User can click on “+” button in Included Employees Widget to add new Employees in the shift & it shows the labels

    Create Included Employees

    Field name Description
    Applicable For Select whether the shift is applicable for departments or branches. And select department names or branch names from the list respectively

    Apply the required details and click on “Save”

    The process to Create Breaks is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Apps > Settings > Search for the Shifts App > Select the Shift Name > Breaks > Create (+)

    User can click on “+” button in Breaks Widget to schedule a Break in the shift & it shows the labels

    Create Breaks

    Field name Description Mandatory
    Break Name Enter a name for the break Yes
    Pay Type Select whether the pay type of the break should be paid or unpaid from the list Yes

    Select to schedule the break mode as automatic or manual.

    Automatic: User can set start and end time of the break

    Manual: Set break duration from the timer


    Apply the required details and click on “Save”

    The process to update the existing Attendance Settings is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Apps > Settings > Search for the Shifts App > Select the Shift Name > Attendance Settings > Edit (Pencil Icon)

    User can click on “Pencil Icon” option in Attendance Settings Widget to edit the existing Attendance Settings in the shift & it shows the labels

    Edit Attendance Settings

    Field name Description
    Total hours calculation Select Total hours of attendance calculation from the list of First Check-in & Last Check out (or) Every check-in & Check Out
    Min hours req. per day Select minimum hours required per day from the list of Strict Mode or Lenient Mode (Expected Hours)

    Select total hours of attendance from the list of manual input or shift hours.

    Manual Input: Enter or set time for Full day and Half day

    Shift Hours: User can also select attendance as Shift hours

    Max. Hours req. per day User can click on the toggle to enable maximum hours required per day option. The toggle turns to green in color when enabled and red when disabled. User needs to enter the Maximum hours required per full day and half day respectively

    Full day: Enter or set maximum hours required for a full day

    Half day: Enter or select maximum hours required for a half day

    Apply all the details and click on “Save.”

    The process to update the existing Regeneration is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Apps > Settings > Search for the Shifts App > Select the Shift Name > Regeneration > Edit (Pencil Icon)

    User can click on “Pencil Icon” option in Regeneration Widget to edit the dates of Shift Regeneration & it shows the labels

    Edit Regeneration

    Field name Description
    Effective From By default the system shows existing start date of shift regeneration; if user wants to change it, select the starting date from the calendar
    Effective To By default the system shows existing end date of shift regeneration; if user wants to change it, select the end date from the calendar

    Weekend Definition

    Do You Want To Change Weekend Definition: User can click on the checkbox to change the Weekend Definition an apply the required dates by opting days from the calendar

    Weekend Definition

    Field name Description
    Weekend Definition User can define the weekend by selecting required day for the week and for the month

    Apply all the details and click on “Save”

    in Shifts
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