Loans & Advances Overview

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    Loans refer to financial arrangements where an employer provides funds to an employee for a specific purpose, typically with an agreement for repayment over a defined period of time.

    BizGaze’s “Loans & Advances App” provides several features that help businesses efficiently manage and streamline their loan processes. It empowers businesses to effectively manage their loan programs while providing employees with a seamless and convenient loan experience.

    Stage Workflow

    Stage name Description
    Draft The initial phase where loan application is created but not yet submitted it for approval
    Approval The loan application is reviewed and considered by the relevant authority
    Disbursement Once the loan application is approved, the loan amount is ready to be disbursed to the employee.
    Active The loan is currently active and the employee is in the process of repaying the loan
    Closed The loan is fully repaid by the employee, and all obligations are fulfilled.
    Rejected The stage of the loan application where it is reviewed and denied by the relevant authority.

    Portlets & Widgets

    In the layout view, a Portlet accurately represents each functionality, and its corresponding data is precisely viewed as a Widget. The following section includes the default portlets and widgets of the Loans & Advances app.

    Loan Details

    Loan Details widget encompass the specific information such as the loan amount, interest rate, repayment period, installment frequency, and any additional terms and conditions associated with the loan.

    Field name Description
    Loan Amount Displays total Loan amount of the employee. It represents the principal amount of the loan before interest or any additional charges are applied.
    Loan Code The system generated code or short name of the Loan is displayed
    Perquisite Rate Displays perquisite rate of the loan. Also known as Interest Rate or Per annum Interest Rate, is the percentage charged by the lender on the outstanding loan amount.
    Requested On Displays the date on which the Loan or advance is requested by the employee.

    Disbursal details

    A loan is disbursed when the bank delivers the agreed-upon amount deposited into the borrower’s account after verification and approval and is available for use.

    This widget contains the Loan disbursement details and installment details.

    Field name Description
    Disbursement Date Date of loan disbursement is displayed. Disbursement Date refers to the specific date on which the loan funds are officially released and made available to the borrower.
    Installment Amount Installment amount of loan is displayed. The predetermined sum of money that the borrower is required to repay at regular intervals, typically monthly, towards the loan
    Total Installments Total number of installments that need to be made to fully repay the loan
    Paid Through Account Displays account loan installment’s payment account. It refers to the designated bank account through which the borrower makes the loan repayments


    It is the process of returning the borrowed money and fulfilling the loan obligations. It involves making regular payments, usually in the form of installments, towards the loan, according to the agreed repayment schedule.

    This widget contains the Repayment details of the Loan.

    Field name Description
    Repayment Date The scheduled date on which an employee is required to make a loan repayment
    Journal No A unique identifier or reference number associated with a specific loan transaction.
    Amount Repaid The sum of money an employee has returned towards the repayment of their loan.
    Remaining Amount Displays the outstanding balance or the remaining unpaid portion of a loan. User can click on the hyperlink at the top right corner for detailed data about the remaining amount of the loan


    Field name Description
    Amount Repaid Displays the amount Repaid of the total loan amount. It refers to the total sum of money that has been already paid towards a loan. User can click on the hyperlink at the top right corner for detailed data about paid amount
    Installments Remaining Displays the number of remaining payments or installments yet to be made to fully repay a loan. User can click on the hyperlink at the top right corner for detailed data about the remaining installments
    Remaining Amount Displays the outstanding balance or the remaining unpaid portion of a loan. User can click on the hyperlink at the top right corner for detailed data about the remaining amount of the loan


    This widget shows the short notes or description about the reason for the Loan

    Activity Log provide users with essential information, notifications, and real-time updates to keep them engaged and informed about key activities in apps related to updates, notifications, and stage changes.

    Field name Description
    Comments User can write short notes or comments about the Loan
    Created Date Date when the Loan record is created
    Created By User’s name who created the loan
    Last Updated Date Last updated stage of the loan
    Last Updated By User’s name who last updated the loan’s stage
    Status Displays current status of the loan
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.
    in Loans & Advances
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