Routes Routes Widgets

Article sections


    Route Schedule Details

    This section contains the scheduled route name and route map details

    Field name Description
    Route name Displays scheduled route name
    Schedule date Scheduled date  is displayed
    Assigned to Displays the person name/ role to whom the route is assigned
    Route Map A route map (Google maps) with GPS coordinates is depicted. User can also click on specific location to view pending orders and pending invoices of the organization

    User can click on MENU for more options like Route plans and schedule route details

    Route Plans

    This section contains and displays the schedule details and address of the customer.

    User can also edit route plans by clicking on EDIT option


    Displays the scheduled dates (Green in color) from the calendar

    Click on EDIT to make changes in the schedule

    Field name Description
    Route name Enter a route name
    Employee name Select an employee name from the list to schedule a route
    Series Select a series name. The system automatically loads the series name as Routes
    Scheduler type Select whether the route is scheduled on a daily, weekly basis, monthly basis, or on any other specific dates
    Description User can comment or enter short notes about the route plan schedule

    Apply all the details and click on SAVE


    This section displays the organization name and address of the customer

    Click on CREATE (+) to add address details

    Field name Description
    Org name Select name of the organization from the list
    Contact address Select location name from the list

    Click on ADD and SAVE to save the contact address details

    Activity Log

    Comments Users can comment or enter short notes about the route plan schedule
    Created Date Displays creation date of the route
    Created By Name of the person who created route
    Last Updated Date Last stage changed of the route
    Last updated by Name of the person who updated the stage
    Status Current status of the route
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app


    in Routes
    Table of Contents