Designations Widgets

Article sections



    this section contains the details of the designation, code and  department

    Field name Description
    Designation Displays the designation name allotted to the employee
    Department Displays the department name
    Code Designation code of the department is displayed

    Connected Roles

    This section contains the roles connected to the designation department

    Click on CREATE (+) to create a Role to the designation

    Field name Description
    Role name Enter the name of the Role
    Internal Role Select the Internal role from the drop-down list
    Select theme User can select background theme, layout design, background image for the display
    Description Enter a short notes about the role

    Click on SAVE and the role for the designation is created

    Click on EDIT to edit changes to the Designation of the employee

    Note : All Star Marked (*) fields are mandatory.

    Edit Designation

    Field name Description
    Designation Enter the designation name
    Code Enter the designation code
    Department Select the department name in which the designation role is created from the list
    Roles Select the roles of the employees from the list
    Apply type Select whether the role apply type is internal role or external role
    Description User can comment or write short notes about the designation

    Click on SAVE to save the edited details

    Activity Log

    Comments Displays comments about the designation or user can enter brief notes about the designation
    Created Date Displays the creation date of the designation
    Created By The name of the person who created designation
    Last Updated Date The last stage changed of the designation
    Last updated by The name of the person who updated the stage
    Status The current status of the designation
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app


    in Designations
    Table of Contents