Leave Widgets

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    Users can also click on the EDIT option to edit the leave details and conditions.

    This section contains details of leave reason, leave dates and employee name

    Field name Description
    Employee name Name of the employee applying for leave is displayed.
    Team Email Email id of the team to which the employee belongs
    From date Date from when the employee is seeking leave
    To date Date until when the employee is seeking leave
    Leave type Type of leave employee applied like casual leave, sick leave or other types
    Reason for leave Short description about the reason for leave

    Click on MENU for more options like Leave types, Leave policy, and Leave requests


    Leave types

    This section contains details of leave types, Leave apply types, and condition details.

    User can also click on the EDIT option to change the Leave types details.


    Field name Description
    Leave type Type of leave like casual leave, sick leave, or others
    Code Short code for leave type
    Leave apply type Displays whether leave applied is paid or unpaid leave
    Unit The measurement unit of leave as in days, weeks or months
    Description Type of leave like casual leave, sick leave, or others
    From date Date from when the employee is seeking leave
    To date Date until when the employee is seeking leave

    Applicable details

    Field name Description
    Gender Person’s gender who is applying leave (Male, Female or others)
    Marital status Whether the person is married or not
    Designation Designation of the employee in their organization
    All employees Displays whether leave is applicable to all the employees or not
    Custom employees Leave applies to specified employees or not

    Edit applicable details

    Field name Description
    Applicable Users can select an option by clicking on the corresponding option’s circle box.

    1. Applicable for all employees

    2. Not applicable to all employees.

    Gender Select the Gender of the employee by clicking on the corresponding circle box option.

    1. Male 2.Female 3.Others

    Marital status Select marital status of the employee from the options. 1.Single 2.Married
    Designations Select designation of the employee from the list

    Condition details

    Field name Description
    Leave balance Remaining leaves available
    Duration Duration period of the leave is displayed like full day, half day, quarter day or on hourly basis
    Enable file upload
    Leave submit before The number of days on or before the employees should submit the leave application.
    Min leave request Displays the minimum number of leaves employees can avail for a single application
    Max leave request Displays the maximum number of leaves employees can avail for a single application
    Min no of consecutive leaves allowed Displays the minimum number of consecutive days of leaves allowed for the employee
    Min gap B/w leaves The minimum number of days gap between two applications
    Max no of requests Displays the maximum number of leave applications allowed within a specified period

    Edit condition details

    Field name Description Count
    Weekends between leave period Select whether or not the weekends between a leave period should be considered as leave
    Holiday Between Leave Period Select whether or not the holidays between a leave period should be counted as leave
    While Applying Leave, Exceed Leave Balance Select whether to allow or not to exceed the Leave balance while applying for a leave
    Leave Balance Type Select whether the leave balance type should be without limit, year-end limit, or without any limitation to be marked as Lop (Loss of pay)
    Duration Select the duration period of the leave from the list of Full day, half day, quarter day, or on an hourly basis
    Enable File uploaded option if the applied leave period exceeds
    Leave application should be submitted before Click on the checkbox to select before when an employee must submit the leave application Enter number of days count
    Min Leave that can be availed per Application Click on the checkbox to select the minimum number of leaves allowed per application Enter the count in days
    Max Leave that can be availed per Application Click on the checkbox to select the maximum number of leaves allowed per application Enter the count in days
    Min number of consecutive days of leaves allowed Click on the checkbox to select and enter the minimum number of consecutive days of leaves allowed for an application Enter the count in days
    Min Gap Between Two Applications Click on the checkbox to select and enter the minimum number of days gap between two leave applications Enter the number in days
    Max Number of applications allowed with in specified period Enter the maximum number of applications allowed within a specified period Enter the number in days

    Leave Policy

    This section contains details of leave policy, accrual details, and encashment details.

    A leave policy is a document that lays down the rules and regulations related to various types of leaves that an employee can avail of.


    Field name Description
    Policy name Leave policy name
    Code short name code of the leave policy
    Leave type
    Leave type Type of leave like casual leave, sick leave, or others
    Is accrual ? Displays whether the leave is accrual or not. Accrual is a charge for work done but still needs to be invoiced. And for which provision is made at the end of a financial period.
    Accrual breakup Displays the accrual breakup period

    User can create Policy by clicking on CREATE(+) and enter the details required

    Create Policy

    Effective after Enter the number of days after the policy should be enacted
    Break-up type Select the policy effective breakup type from the list in days, months, or years
    From Select the policy to be effective from date of joining, or date of confirmation from the list

    Apply all the details and click on SAVE


    Accrual break up Select the accrual breakup period from the list as monthly, half-yearly, tri-annually, or annually. Accrual is a charge for work done but still needs to be invoiced. And for which provision is made at the end of a financial period.
    Month Select name of the month from the list
    No of days Enter value in number of days
    Applicable type Select the application type from the list as Current Accrual or others


    Carry forward apply Select the carry forward application type from the list as carry forward, carry forward with expiry, or carry forward with overall limit
    Value Enter the value in the number of days
    Type Select the type of carry forward from the list as percentage type or unit type
    Max limit Enter the maximum limit value in the number of days for carry forward


    Encashment means leave balance can be availed by the company’s employees when they retire, leave the job, or continue their service.

    Value Enter the encashment value of the leave balance
    Type Select the encashment type from the list as a percentage or unit type
    Max limit Enter the value of the maximum number of limited days

    Reset (selecting by clicking on checkbox)

    Reset break up Select the reset to break up tenure from the list as monthly, half-yearly, tri-annually, or annually
    Reset day Select any specific date from the list as a reset day
    Month Select month from the list
    in Leave
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