Geo Fencing Overview

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    Geo fencing is a technology that allows businesses or individuals to create virtual boundaries or perimeters around a specific geographic area. It utilizes GPS (Global Positioning System), RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), Wi-Fi, or cellular data to define these boundaries. When a mobile device or GPS-enabled device enters or exits the defined area, Geo Fencing triggers predefined actions or notifications.

    Stage Workflow

    Portlets & Widgets

    In the layout view, a Portlet accurately represents each functionality, and its corresponding data is precisely viewed as a Widget. The following section includes the default portlets and widgets of the Geo Fencing App.


    This widget contains the location details of the Employees included in the Geo Fencing feature

    Field name Description
    Location A physical position of the branch location that can be identified and tracked using latitude and longitude coordinates
    Radius Displays the radius value of the branch location. It is the radius that determines the size or extent of the virtual boundary created around a specific location. It represents the distance from the central point to the outer edge of the Geo-fenced area.
    Latitude Displays the Latitude value provided by the user. Latitude is one of the coordinates used to define the boundaries of a Geo-fenced area.
    Longitude Displays the Latitude value provided by the user. Longitude is another coordinate used to define the boundaries of a Geo-fenced area.

    Included Employees

    This widget shows the Employee names to whom the Geo-fencing feature is applicable for.

    Excluded Employees

    This widget shows the Employee names to whom the Geo-fencing feature is not applicable for. (User can click on ‘Add’ option to Include the employee in the Geo-fencing feature)

    Activity Log provide users with essential information, notifications, and real-time updates to keep them engaged and informed about key activities in apps related to updates, notifications, and stage changes.

    Field name Description
    Comments User can write short notes or comments about Geo-fencing
    Created Date Date when the Geo-fencing is created
    Created By Name of the person who created Geo-fencing
    Last updated date Last stage changed of the Geo-fencing
    Last Updated by Name of the person who last updated the stage
    Status Displays current status of the Geo-fencing
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.


    A report is a document that presents information in an organized format for a specific audience and purpose. Although summaries of reports may be delivered orally, complete reports are almost always in the form of written documents.

    1. Attendance Masters
    2. Geo Fencing Details
    in Geo Fencing
    Table of Contents