Offers Update

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    The process to edit the existing Offer details

    The process to update existing Offer details is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Offers App > Listview > Select the Offer > Edit (Pencil Icon) 

    If user wants to update the already existing Offer details, user needs to click on ‘Edit’ option at the top right corner and fill in the required details

    Edit Offers

    Field name Description
    Offer name The system automatically shows the Offer name by default; if the user wants to change the Offer name, enter a new Offer name in the field
    Account The system automatically shows the account name by default; if the user wants to change the account name, select an account from the list
    From date The system automatically shows the From Date of the Offer by default; if the user wants to change the date, set a new date from the calendar
    To date The system automatically shows the To Date of the Offer by default; if the user wants to change the date, set a new date from the calendar
    Series The system automatically takes the Series as Offers by default
    Offer group The system automatically takes the Offer group name by default
    Wallet Series The system automatically shows the Wallet Series of the Offer by default; if the user wants to change it, select a Wallet series name from the list

    More options: User can click on ‘More options’ for Advanced Options and fill in the required changes.

    Eligible quantity The system automatically shows the Eligible quantity of Offer items by default; if the user wants to change it, enter the value of quantity in the field
    Lock date If only ‘Is end date undefined’ toggle is disabled, user can change/set a Lock date from the the calendar
    Refresh contacts The system automatically shows whether refresh contacts option is opted or not; if the user wants to change it, select by clicking on the checkbox
    Discount Item The system automatically shows the discount item of the Offer by default; if the user wants to change it, select a item name from the list
    Is end date undefined The system automatically shows whether or not the end date is undefined, if the user wants to change it, click on the Toggle. Toggle turns to Green color when enabled and Red in color when disabled.
    Image The system automatically shows an image for reference of the Offer; if the user wants to change it, choose an image from the local storage and upload
    Description User can comment or write a short notes about the Offer

    Updates in Details Portlet

    The process to update existing Plan details is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Offers App > Listview > Select the Offer > Details Portlet > Plans Widget > Select the Plan > Edit (Three dots)

    User can click on “+” button in Plans Widget to Create a new Plan & it shows the labels of Offer Plan. Fill the required fields & click on Save.

    Edit Plan

    By default system shows the Plan details and If user wants to update the existing Offer Plan details, click on ‘Edit(Three Dots)’ option to the right corner of Plans Widget and fill in the required details

    Field name Description
    Plan name By default the system shows the Plan name; if the user wants to change the Plan name, enter a new Plan name in the field
    Prev. plans By default the system shows the Previous Plan name; if the user wants to change the Plan name, Select a Previous Plan name from the list
    Description User can comment or enter short notes about the Plan
    More options User can click on ‘More options’ for Advanced Options and fill in the required changes
    Eligible qty By default the system shows the Eligible quantity of Plan items; if the user wants to change it, enter a new quantity value in the field.
    Click on the toggle to apply dates to the plan.
    Is Plan Dates

    The system automatically shows whether or not the ‘Is Plan dates’ option is enabled or not, if the user wants to change it, click on the Toggle. Toggle turns to Green color when enabled and Red in color when disabled.

    If user enables the Toggle select From and To dates:

    From Date : Select the start date of the Offer plan from the calendar

    To date : Select the end date or last date of the Offer plan from the calendar

    Plan Items
    Included Tags The system automatically shows Included Tags of the Plan items; if the user wants to change it, select the Items based on the Tags from the list. (User can also add multiple Tags in the Plan)
    Excluded Tags The system automatically shows Excluded Tags of the Plan items; if the user wants to change it, select the Items based on the Tags from the list. (User can also add multiple Tags in the Plan)

    Apply the required changes and click on Save.

    Update Plan Items:

    The process to update existing Plan Items details is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Offers App > Listview > Select the Offer > Details Portlet > Plan Items Widget > Select the Plan Item > Edit (Three dots)

    User can click on “+” button in Plan Items Widget to Add Plan Items & it shows the labels of Plan Items. Fill the required fields & click on Save.

    Edit Plan Items

    By default system shows the Plan Items details and If user wants to update the existing Offer Plan Items details, click on ‘Edit(Three Dots)’ option to the right corner of Plan Items Widget and fill in the required details

    Field name Description
    Plan name The system automatically shows the existing Plan name; if the user wants to change it, select the new plan name from the list
    Item name /SKU The system automatically shows the existing Plan Item name; if the user wants to change it, select the new plan items from the list
    Points The system automatically shows the existing points for the plan items; if the user wants to change it, enter the new value of points for the Plan items

    Apply the required changes and click on Save.

    Update Plan Incentive:

    The process to update existing Plan Incentive details is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Offers App > Listview > Select the Offer > Details Portlet > Plan Incentive Widget > Select the Plan Incentive > Edit (Three dots)

    User can click on “+” button in Plan Items Widget to create Plan Incentive & it shows the labels of Plan Incentive. Fill the required fields & click on Save.

    Edit Plan Incentive

    By default system shows the Plan Incentive details and If user wants to update the existing Offer Plan Incentive details, click on ‘Edit(Three Dots)’ option to the right corner of Plan Incentive Widget and fill in the required details

    Field name Description
    Plan name The system automatically shows the existing Plan name; if the user wants to change it, select the new plan name from the list
    Incentive name The system automatically shows the existing Plan Incentive name; if the user wants to change it, enter the new Plan Incentive name in the field
    Volume / value The system automatically shows the existing Volume/Value of the Incentive Item; if the user wants to change it, enter the required volume/value of the incentive in the field
    Discount type The system automatically shows the existing discount type; if the user wants to change it, select a new discount type from the list
    Discount per unit The system automatically shows the existing discount per unit item; if the user wants to change it, enter a new discount value for the incentive item

    Apply the required changes and click on Save.

    Update Plan Status:

    The process to update existing Plan status is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Offers App > Listview > Select the Offer > Details Portlet > Plan Status Widget > Click on the Toggle  

    By default system shows the Plan status like the Plan is active or not and If user wants to update the existing status of a particular plan, click on Toggle to Enable/Disable. Toggle turns to green in color when enabled and red in color when disabled.

    User can also click on ‘Active Plans’ option and select ‘Yes’ on the pop-up notification to change all the plans to Active Status.

    User can also click on ‘In-Active Plans’ option and select ‘Yes’ on the pop-up notification to change all the plans to Inactive Status.

    Update FoC Items:  

    The process to update existing FoC Items details is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Offers App > Listview > Select the Offer > Details Portlet > FoC Items Widget > Select the FoC Item > Edit (Three dots)

    User can click on “+” button in FoC Items Widget to Add FoC Items & it shows the labels of Add FoC Items. Fill the required fields & click on Save.

    Edit FoC Items

    By default system shows the FoC Items details and If user wants to update the existing FoC Items details, click on ‘Edit(Three Dots)’ option to the right corner of FoC Items Widget and fill in the required details

    Field name Description
    FoC item The system automatically shows the existing FoC item name; if the user wants to change it, select a new FoC item name from the list
    For every The system automatically shows the existing FoC items offered for every minimum quantity of items ordered; if the user wants to change it, enter the item quantity in number, so that, for every minimum quantity of items ordered, the FoC item is offered
    FoC The system automatically shows the existing FoC items offered for every minimum quantity of items ordered; if the user wants to change it, enter the required FoC item quantity in number to be offered
    Additional Discount (%) The system automatically shows the existing discount offered on the FoC item; if the user wants to change it, enter the required discount percent on the FoC Items

    Apply the required changes and click on Save.

    Updates in Contacts Portlet

    Update Included Contacts:

    The process to Edit existing Included Contacts details is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Offers App > Listview > Select the Offer > Contacts Portlet > Included Contacts Widget > Select the Contact > Edit (Three dots)

    User can click on “+” button in Included Contacts Widget to Add Included Contacts & it shows the labels of Included Contacts fields. Fill the required fields & click on Save.

    Edit Included Contacts  

    By default system shows the Included Contacts details and If user wants to update the existing Included Contacts details, click on ‘Edit(Three Dots)’ option to the right corner of Included Contacts Widget and fill in the required details

    Field name Description
    From date The system automatically shows the existing From date of the Included item; if the user wants to change it, set a new ‘From date’ from the calendar
    To date The system automatically shows the existing To date of the Included item; if the user wants to change it, set a new ‘To date’ from the calendar
    Additional amount The system automatically shows the existing additional amount of the Included item; if the user wants to change it, enter a value of amount in the field

    Apply the required changes and click on Save.

    Update Offer Contacts:

    The process to Edit existing Contacts Tags details is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Offers App > Listview > Select the Offer > Contacts Portlet > Offer Contacts Widget > Edit (Pencil Icon)

    Edit Contact Tags

    By default system shows the Offer Contacts Tags details and If user wants to update the existing Contacts Tags details, click on ‘Edit(Pencil Icon)’ option to the right corner of Offer Contacts Widget and fill in the required details

    Field name Description
    Included Tags The system automatically shows the existing Included tags; if the user wants to change it, select the new Tag(s) to include in the offer from the list. (User can add multiple tags from the list)
    Excluded tags The system automatically shows the existing Excluded tags; if the user wants to change it, select the new Tag(s) to exclude from the offer from the list. (User can add multiple tags from the list)

    Apply the required changes and click on Save.

    in Offers
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