Sales Opportunity Overview

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    A Sales Opportunity is a qualified prospect with a high probability of becoming a customer. Salespeople should ensure the opportunity is a good fit for their selling. An opportunity should have a pain point your product or service can solve and an interest in the offering. Generally, an opportunity comes from one of two places: 

    1.  A lead, a potential customer, 
    2. An existing customer who has done business with you and is returning for additional products or services

    “BizGaze” favors an equal share of customer relationships and an organization’s stable customer ratio. With Bizgaze’s CRM sales stages, opportunities for sales increase significantly, and transparent sales process stages ensure deals are correctly categorized. 

    Stage Workflow

    The default stages workflow for the Sales Opportunity app are as follows

    Field name Description
    Prospect Identifying potential customers who may be interested in the product or service
    Identify Account Needs Understanding and assessing the specific requirements and challenges of the prospect’s business
    Proposal/Quote Presenting a formal proposal or quote outlining the product or service offering and its associated costs
    Negotiate to Close Engaging in negotiations with the prospect to address any concerns, objections, or pricing issues and finalize the terms of the sale
    Manage Implementation Coordinating the implementation process, including any necessary customization, setup, or integration to ensure a smooth transition and successful deployment
    Closed Won Successfully closing the sale and securing the customer as a new client or customer
    Closed Lost The sales opportunity concludes without a successful sale due to reasons such as the prospect choosing a competitor or deciding not to proceed with the purchase
    Closed Abandoned The sales opportunity is terminated or abandoned by the prospect or the salesperson due to various reasons, such as a lack of communication, change in requirements, or loss of interest

    Portlets & Widgets

    In the layout view, a Portlet accurately represents each functionality, and its corresponding data is precisely viewed as a Widget. The following section includes the default portlets and widgets of the Sales Opportunity App.

    This section contains basic details about Sales Opportunity, Opportunity Information, Opportunity Items, and Opportunity Value Summary

    Opportunity Details

    Field name Description
    Sales By Sales manager name is displayed. Sale by refers to the Manager assigned for the Customer.
    Exp. Close Date The expiry close date of the opportunity is displayed. Dealers must decide what to do with their open position before the expiry date. They could close it manually, leave it to expire, or convert the opportunity to a customer
    LoB Displays Line of Business segment of the customer. A business segment can be identified by the product(s) sold or services provided or by geographical locations that the company operates in.
    Open For Displays the Sales opportunity availability in days, week, month or year
    Ref No Reference number of the opportunity
    Supply Times Displays how many number of times the supply has occurred
    Opportunity Date The date when the Sales opportunity is created
    Expiry date Expiry date or last date of the Sales Opportunity
    Opportunity Volume Displays the number of Sales opportunities the organization / company got during a specific period
    For Every Recurring Tenure A recurring tenure in sales opportunity refers to a sales position that offers the potential for long-term, ongoing sales relationships with clients or customers.

    Opportunity Information

    This section contains details about opportunity name, type, and sub-type

    Field name Description
    Name The name of the Sales Opportunity name is displayed.
    Type It refers to the classification or category of a Sales opportunity in a business or Sales process. (New business, Renewal or Reopen)
    Sub-type Opportunity sub-type of an organization. It refers to the classification of a Sales opportunity in a business or Sales process
    Renewal Displays whether there is Renewal opportunity or not for future reference.

    Opportunity Value Summary

    This section contains details about the Opportunity value summary. An opportunity value summary provides a comprehensive overview of the total cost of the Opportunity, including all the opportunity items, their individual costs, and any additional charges such as taxes, discounts, and shipping fees.

    Field name Description
    Gross Amount Gross Amount refers to the total amount of money or value of a transaction before any deductions or expenses are taken into account. It includes all charges, fees, taxes, and other costs associated with the transaction.
    Discount Any discounts or promotional offers applied to the order, either for specific items or the entire order. The “Discount on Items” value is loaded automatically.
    Total Tax amount The total amount of taxes applied to the order based on local tax regulations and the nature of the products or services being purchased
    Assebl. amount Assessable amount, also known as assessable value or taxable value, is the monetary value of a product, service, or transaction that is subject to taxation
    Net Total Net Total refers to the final amount that remains after all deductions, discounts, taxes, and other charges have been subtracted from the Gross Amount. It is the actual amount that a customer is required to pay for a product


    Competitors are other businesses who can offer the same or similar goods and services to your customers. It is not just another business that might take money away from you, it can be another product or service that’s being developed and which you ought to be selling or looking to license before somebody else takes it up.

    Field Name Description
    Name Name of the competitor is displayed.
    Strength Strengths of the competitor which are provided while creation process like their marker reach, product range and etc.
    Weakness The system displays Weakness of the competitor which is provided while creation process like lacking particular software, confusing service policies and etc.
    Reason Displays reason why this person/company is chosen as competitor
    Is Awarded Displays whether the competitor is awarded or not.


    This section contains the detailed summary of the opportunity Items with Price, Qty & Tax group, Discount selected for creating opportunity.

    Field name Description
    Item Name / SKU Displays name and SKU of the opportunity items. Item name refers to the name or title of a product, service, or item that is being offered for sale or purchase. A SKU, which stands for Stock Keeping Unit, is a unique identifier for each of the products that makes it easier to track inventory
    Quantity/ Unit Price Quantity of items and Unit price of the item are displayed. Quantity refers to the numerical value that represents the number of items or units that are in the order. Unit Price is the price of an individual item of the order
    Amount Total amount of the quantity of each individual item
    Pieces Pieces generally refers to the individual units or items of a product that are purchased or shipped
    Cartons Cartons generally refer to the packaging units used to ship and store products.


    This section contains the details about the order, sales person, dates and stage name.

    Field name Description
    Order No. It refers to a unique identification number that is assigned to the order, which helps to track and manage the order throughout the procurement process
    Order Date This refers to the date on which the opportunity was created. It helps in tracking and managing the order
    Sales By Displays the name of the Sales manager. Sale by refers to the Sales Manager assigned for the Customer.
    Amount Displays total value of the Purchase opportunity which includes the estimated cost of the goods or services, taxes, fees and other charges.


    Estimate orders consists the items with a defined quoted price and negotiation is acceptable to close a deal. This section contains the details about the estimate, purchase manager, and stage name.

    Field name Description
    Estimate No. Order number of the Estimate is displayed. It refers to a unique identifier assigned to an estimate or a quotation that a seller provides to a potential customer
    Estimate Date Displays the date when the Estimate is placed
    Sales By Displays the name of the Sales manager. Sale by refers to the Sales Manager assigned for the Customer.
    Amount Amount to be paid for the order

    Activity Log provide users with essential information, notifications, and real-time updates to keep them engaged and informed about key activities in apps related to updates, notifications, and stage changes.

    Field name Description
    Comments User can write short notes or comments about the Sales Opportunity
    Created Date Date when the Sales Opportunity is created
    Created By Name of the person who created the Sales Opportunity
    Last updated date Last stage changed of the Sales Opportunity
    Last Updated By Name of the person who last updated the stage
    Status Displays the current status of the Sales Opportunity
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.


    A report is a document that presents information in an organized format for a specific audience and purpose. Although summaries of reports may be delivered orally, complete reports are almost always in the form of written documents.

    1. Sales Opportunity data
    in Sales Opportunity
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