Delivery Challan Update

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    The process to edit Delivery Challan details

    The update process for DC (Deliver Challan) is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Deliver Challan App > Listview > Select the DC > Edit (Pencil icon)

    If user wants to update the already existing DC details, user needs to click on ‘Edit’ option at the top right corner and fill in the required details.

    Note: The basic details will load automatically with reference to the Sales Order

    Field Name Description
    Company name System automatically shows company name by default, if user wants to change company name enter a new company name in the field
    Series By default system shows series of the DC or if user wants to change the series, select series name from the list
    LoB By default system shows LoB segment of the customer and if user wants to change the existing LoB segment, click on the checkbox to select
    Sales Person By default system shows Sales person name for the customer and if user wants to change the sales person, select new name from the list
    Bill From By default system shows the existing Bill from address and if user wants to change the existing address, select a Bill from address for the seller
    Bill To By default system shows the existing Bill To address and if user wants to change the existing address, select a new Bill To address of the buyer
    Ship From By default system shows the existing Ship from address and if user wants to change the address, select a Ship from address for the seller
    Ship To By default system shows the existing Ship To address and if user wants to change the address, select a new Ship To address of the buyer
    DC Date System automatically shows the DC’s creation date, if user wants to change it, set DC creation date from the calendar
    Ref Date System automatically shows the reference date of DC, if user wants to change it, set a reference date from the calendar
    Ref no. System automatically shows the reference number of DC, if user wants to change it, enter a reference number for the DC

    More Options : If user wants to update advanced options like the Shipper information, user can click on More options.

    Shipper Information

    Field Name Description
    Shipper Name By default system shows Shipper’s name for the order and if user wants to change it, select a shipper’s name from the list
    Shipper Contact Person By default system shows contact person’s name of the shipper and if user wants to change it, enter contact person’s name in the field
    Shipper Contact number By default system shows contact number of the shipper and if user wants to change it, enter contact number in the field
    Vehicle number If user wants to update the existing vehicle number of the shipper, enter a new vehicle number in the field
    LR(Load receipt) number By default system shows LR number of the shipment and if user wants to change it, enter the number in the field
    LR(Load receipt) date By default system shows LR date of the shipment and if user wants to change it, set a date from the calendar
    Shipper Ref no. By default system shows reference number of the shipper and if user wants to change it, enter a reference number in the field
    Shipment Due Date By default system shows due date of the shipment and if user wants to change it, set a new date from the calendar

    Item details

    User can click on ‘Add items’ button to add new items & shows the labels of item details. User can add Multiple items and enter the quantity.

    Items can also be updated if it was overlooked while creation process.

    Delete By default system shows the item name and details, if user wants to delete any item then click on the delete option to the left of item name

    By default system shows the item quantity, if user wants to update it, click on the ‘+’ to increase and ‘-’ to decrease the item quantity.

    Note: Item quantity can’t greater be than Pending Quantity

    Apply all the details and click on Save.

    in Delivery Challan
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