Product Purchase Type Update

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    The update process of the Purchase Type is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Settings > Procurement > Product Purchase Type App > Listview > Select the Type > Edit (Pencil Icon)

    If user wants to update the already existing Purchase type details; if user wants to change it, click on the Pencil Icon and select the Purchase type from the list of Quantity, Packs or Pieces or Both Packs and Pieces.

    Field name Description
    Quantity Quantity refers to the numerical value that represents the number of items, products, or units that are being purchased or sold in a transaction. It is the total number of units of a product or service that a customer is ordering or a Purchaser is providing.
    Packs “Packs” refers to Purchase of products in pre-packed quantities or units. It could be a predefined quantity of items bundled together for sale, such as a pack of six bottles of water or a pack of three pairs of socks.
    Packs & Pieces “Packs & Pieces” indicates a selling method where products are available both in pre-packed quantities (packs) and individual units (pieces).
    Pieces “Pieces” refers to Purchase of products as individual units rather than in pre-packed quantities.

    Apply the settings and click on Save.

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