SKU Recommendation Overview

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    SKU recommendation is an automated process that suggests the creation, modification, or removal of specific SKUs in an organization’s inventory management system based on historical sales data, demand forecasts, inventory turnover rates, and market trends.

    An SKU Recommendation module empowers businesses to optimize their inventory management practices by providing data-driven suggestions and insights. This helps optimize inventory levels, reduce costs, improve customer service, and maintain efficiency, ultimately leading to better profitability and market competitiveness.

    Default Portlets & Widgets:

    In the layout view, a Portlet accurately represents each functionality, and its corresponding data is precisely viewed as a Widget. The following section includes the default portlets and widgets of the SKU recommendation App.

    Focused Products

    This section contains the details of specific items or SKUs that are identified as strategically important for an organization

    Field name Description
    Item Name Displays the name of the specific name or description of a product that is strategically important to the organization
    SKU (Stock keeping Unit) Displays the unique identifier assigned to the focused product. It’s a code or number that distinguishes this particular product from others in the inventory

    EM Focused

    This section includes the item names and SKUs of the Excess Management, which optimizes storage for SKUs with excessive quantities accumulated.

    Field name Description
    Item Name Displays the name or description of products that have accumulated excessive quantities in the inventory and require special attention for excess management
    SKU (Stock keeping Unit) Displays the Stock keeping Unit (SKU) of an individual item within the category of EM Focused products

    Other Customers are Buying

    This widget displays the item names and SKUs of Products for which customers who have shown interest in a specific SKU or product have also purchased or shown interest in related items.

    Field name Description
    Item Name Displays the name or description of the product that customers have shown interest in.
    SKU (Stock keeping Unit) Displays the unique identifier for a specific variant or model of the popular product
    in SKU Recommendation

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