Purchase order Widgets

Article sections



    Field name Description
    Print template Print template allows user to print or download the invoice
    Void This template allows user to nullify the order

    + – This widget allows user to create GRN for the order.

    This section contains the basic details of the Purchase order

    Field name Description
    Credit Limit Credit Limit given by the vendor to the Customer without Approval by Concerned Manager
    Avail Limit Available Credit Limit is shown here, If the credit crosses the limit, it will show as negative (-) balance
    Due Total Invoice Amount to be paid by the Customer
    Over Due If the Amount to be paid crosses payment term duration, it will show as Over Due.
    Clearance Amount given by the customer but not confirmed by the Accounts Department and Cheques deposited in banks but not confirmed by the banks waiting for Clearance.
    Credits Customer Obtaining the goods or services before the payment and payment is done in the future.
    Avg Invoice Clearance The average clearance amount for the invoice. Amount given by the customer but not confirmed by the Accounts Department and Cheques deposited in banks but not confirmed by the banks waiting for Clearance.
    Bounce Cheques


    Cheques bounced due to issues in dates and funds in customer account
    Total Pending Amount Total pending amount of the order
    Avg payments Amount The average amount to be paid by the customer
    Total Pending Quantity Total amount of the quantity of pending order items
    Avg payment days  Average payment days by which the payment needs to be made
    Avg Invoices days The average payment span states the date on which the invoice amount is to be paid and any discounts that may apply to early payment
    Avg invoices amount Average of Invoices amounts to be paid by the customer
    No. Of Pending Orders Displays the total number of pending orders
    Description Comments or short notes about the Purchase order is displayed


    This section contains all the details about the Purchase order.

    Field name Description
    Order No. Displays the order number
    Order date Date on which Purchase order is placed
    Order Mode Displays priority of the Purchase order delivery
    Future order The order is scheduled at regular intervals of delivery date
    Expected Delivery Date Delivery date of the Purchase order
    Purchased by System automatically loads name of the purchase manager
    Payment type Payment mode of the transaction like cash payments, cheque, credit, debit, online payments, and others
    Amount Amount paid for the purchase order
    Contact name Contact person name is displayed
    LoB Line of Business segment (LoB) of the Purchase order items
    Proposed delivery date Delivery date of the Purchase order
    Ref No. Reference number associated with the Purchase order
    Ref date Reference date of the Purchase order
    Payment term Number of days in which a payment is due. Payment terms indicate when and how payments need to be made
    Priority Order Displays priority of the Purchase order delivery, whether the order is prior in delivery of the current order from others.


    Filed name Description
    Ordered Quantity of the items ordered
    Delivered Displays total quantity of items delivered
    Invoiced Quantity of items invoiced of an order
    Invoiced return Displays the returned invoices of the orders
    Delivered return Order items returned after delivery


    This section shows the detailed summary of the items ordered.

    User can also add items by clicking on the ADD (+) option.

    Field name Description
    Item name Displays name of the order items
    Quantity Quantity of items ordered
    SKU Displays SKU code of the item. A SKU, which stands for Stock Keeping Unit, is a unique identifier for each of the products that makes it easier to track inventory
    Invoiced qty Displays quantity of invoiced items of an order
    Pieces When users enable “pieces” users can provide item details in pieces.
    Cartons Default quantity item quantity can be viewed in cartons

    User can click on Add Items to select Items

    Field name Description
    Item name Select item name from the list
    Quantity Select quantity of items by selecting number of Cartons and Pieces
    Item details Select the quantity of items by selecting number of cartons and Pieces
    Cartons Default item quantity can be viewed in cartons
    Pieces When users enable “pieces”, it can provide item details in pieces

    Order Value summary

    The details about the Order summary is shown here.

    Field name Description
    Gross Amount Total amount with Taxes added
    Discount Total discount value given on the item. The “Discount on Items” value is loaded automatically.
    Total Tax amount Total tax amount for the invoice
    Assess able amount Assessed amount of the order
    Scrap discount amount Discount amount applied to the order items
    Net Total Total amount of the order items

    Address Details

    This section contains addresses of billing, sales, and the delivery address of the Order

    Field name Description
    Delivery Address Delivery address of the order
    Delivery from Delivery from address of the order
    Sold By Seller address
    Billing address Billing address of the order


    Delivery Challans Contains DC Number, order items, quantity, delivery date, shipper name, and current status
    Invoice Details
    Invoice No Displays invoice number of the order
    Invoice Quantity Number of invoices created for the orders
    Invoice Date Date when an invoice is created for the order
    Total Amount Total amount of the invoice
    Ref No Reference number of the invoice
    Adjust order quantity This section allows user to add or delete items of the order. By enabling Show Item Wise checkbox, displays items and user can select items in the required manner for amount adjustment. And by clicking Adjust Order amount will be adjusted on the selected items.


    Field name Field Description
    Comments User can write short notes or comments about the Purchase order
    Created Date Date when the Purchase order is created
    Created By Name of the person who created the Purchase order
    Last Updated Date Last stage changed of the Purchase order
    Last Updated By Name of the person who last updated the stage
    Status Displays the current status of the Purchase order
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.


    in Purchase Order
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