Targets Widgets

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    Company targets (or business targets) are incremental milestones set by a company to achieve larger goals that make up the strategic objectives in its business plan. Companies assign certain targets to its sales executives or employees to achieve long term goals.


    Field name Description
    Void This template allows user to nullify the order
    EDIT This widget allows user to Edit or make changes to the Targets



    This section contains the details about the Targets and the targets tenure.

    Target The name defined for the target is displayed here
    LoB name The Line of Business Segment (LoB) name of the business is displayed
    Customer Tags Displays the tags of the customers (product line, groups and etc..)
    Tags The Tags allotted of the Targets are displayed
    Provider name Displays the name of the target, target type, and for whom the target is assigned to (Customers, Sales person or Employees)


    Tenure of a target is the time period of the Target till when the it is set for. Usually targets are set for Yearly, Monthly or Weekly basis depending upon the Type of target. This section contains the details of the Target tenure.

    Tenure Displays the time period till when the target is set for. (Usually targets are set for Yearly, Monthly or Weekly)
    From date The from date or starting date of the target tenure is displayed
    Breakup Tenure The Breakup tenure for the target is displayed. Businesses separate or divide the target tenure into smaller periods for effective functioning
    To date The last date of the target’s Tenure is displayed
    Description Comments or short notes about the targets are displayed

    Employee Target

    The Targets are assigned to the customers, Sales persons or the Employees of the company. This section contains the details of the Targets assigned to the employees.

    Search employee The details about specific employee can be viewed by clicking on the search employee and enter name of the employee
    Employee name The name of the employee is displayed
    Target value The value of the target is displayed here. Targets are assigned in different types like by values, by volumes and  by count
    Edit target value User can edit or change target value by clicking on Edit target value

    Employee Target Vs Achieved Target

    This section contains the details about the Targets assigned to the employees and how much Targets were achieved by the Employees. User can view a particular Employee details by the search option.

    Search employee The details about specific employee can be viewed by clicking on the search employee and enter name of the employee
    Employee name The name of the employee is displayed
    Target value The value of the target is displayed here. Targets are assigned in different types like by values, by volumes and  by count
    Achieved value The achieved value of the targets assigned for employees is displayed here. Targets are assigned in different types like by values, by volumes and  by count
    Percentage The percent of the Targets achieved to the targets set for the employees is displayed

     Configure Target

    User can click on CONFIGURE TARGET to make or adjust target settings of the employees. It will open another page

    Edit target plan

    States User can select the states from the list
    Districts Select the names of districts from the list
    Segments Select the Line of business segment from the list
    Apply filter Click on APPLY FILTER to save the configuration.
    District name Displays the name of the districts
    Product Line Displays the product line of the target
    Segment The Line of Business segment of the employee is displayed
    Plan name The plan name for the target or target group name is displayed
    Quantity The quantity of items is displayed
    Save as Draft User can save the settings configured as a draft


    Activity Log
    Comments User can write short notes or comments about the Targets
    Created Date The date of creation of the Target
    Created By The name of the person who created the Target
    Last Updated Date The last stage changed date of the Target
    Last Updated By The name of the person who last updated the stage
    Status This section displays the current status of the Target
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.
    in Targets
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