Employees Widgets

Article sections


    Field name Description
    Cheque count This widget shows the count of Cheques payment collected for all customers assigned under Employee Id.
    Cash count This widget shows the count of Cash payment collected for all customers assigned under Employee Id.
    Other Payment count This widget shows the count of Other payments (NEFT, RTGS, Card etc.) collected for all customers assigned under Employee Id.

    This section contains the basic details of the employee like contact details, roles, Tags and details of the family members.


    Code Displays an Employee code when registered with the Email
    Phone Mobile number of the employee
    Manager Name of the manager associated with the employee
    Date of Birth Displays the date of birth of an employee from the calendar
    Email Email Id assigned while creating employee is displayed
    PAN PAN number of the employee is displayed
    Date of joining Displays the joining date of an employee is displayed
    Designation The designation of the employee is displayed
    Emergency contact Displays an alternate contact number in case of any emergency


    Tag enables grouping of different entities within a system (for example Zone wise grouping of customers) which can be defined by each organization based on the analytic reports they required.

    User can click on Create (+)  and select by clicking on checkbox against LoBs and tags. 

    Profile Picture

    This section contains the Profile Picture and Employee name

    Add Photo URL

    Image Click on Choose Image to upload employee’s image from local storage, then click on Save

    Family Members

    This section contains employee’s family details

    Field name Description
    Family member name Name of the family member is displayed
    Marital Status Marital status of the person added
    Relation type Relation between employee and person added
    Email Enter email id of the person is displayed
    Date of Birth Date of birth of the person is displayed
    Mobile Number Mobile number of the person

    Employee’s family details can be added in this section. User can click on Create (+) and enter the required details

    Create Family Members

    Field name Description
    Family member name Enter name of the family member
    Martial Status Select whether the person added is married or not
    Relation type Select the relation between employee and person added
    Email Enter email id of the person
    Date of Birth Select date of birth of the person from calendar
    Mobile Number Enter mobile number of the person


    Field name Description
    File Displays file/document name is displayed
    Type Document type/format is displayed whether it is JPEG, PNG or any other
    Preview User can click on Preview to to view the document
    Download User can download the employee document

    User can click on Add (Pencil Icon) to upload documents from the local storage

    Employee Assets

    Assets are the company’s valuable item owned by a company or an employee. Business assets span many categories. They can be physical, tangible goods, such as vehicles, and etc.

    Click on Create Employee Asset (+) and enter the details about the assets

    Create Employee Asset

    Item name Select name of the asset from the list
    Serial number Enter serial number or any code associated with the item for quick identification
    Assign Date Select assigned date of the item provided from the calender
    Return date Select return date of the asset from the calender
    Description Enter any description about the asset items


    This sections contains shift time details assigned to the employee

    Field name Description
    Name Shift name for the employee is displayed like Day shift or night shift
    From time Start time of the shift
    To time End time of the shift

    User can click on Create(+) to assign a shift for the employee

    Employee shift assign
    Shift Select shift name from the list as Day shift or Night shift

    Apply the details and click on Save


    A Role refers to a job role. It is the position and the job title a team member or an employee holds. In this section specific roles are given to the followers, and also followers can be added in this section.

    Click on Add Roles and create a Role to the employee

    This section contains roles associated to the employees and allows user to delete or edit changes.

    Plus (+) : Assign or Create Role for the employee.


    Followers represents as point of contact in the absence of actual salesperson.

    Employees added in Followers can view all the data of assigned customers for that particular Employee.

    User can Add followers by clicking on Plus (+) and select the follower names for the employee


    Businesses can have multiple branches at various locations. Users can assign multiple branches for employees so that they can Manage Operations & overseas day-to-day data within that Branch allotted.

    This section contains the city name or location, the company’s branch is located.

    Plus (+) : User can Add a branch by clicking on Create(+) option


    It refers to a resource given for the employee to maximize the potential benefits and achieve desired outcomes of the Organization. User can set the Employee Leverage in terms of Percent so that it can be applicable for customers in Sales Process.

    Plus (+) : Create leverage to the employee.

    Manager Followers

    Employees added in manager followers can view the data irrespective of assigned manager for the employee based on the Role Hierarchy.

    Click on Create Manager Followers (+) option and select Manager name from the list

    Update CIN

    This section contains CIN code of the employee or organization. CIN – Corporate Identification Number, is a code issued by the Registrar of Companies for all companies registered in India. It is a unique identification number provided at the time of registration certificate.

    User can update CIN code of the employee by clicking on the Add option (pencil icon)


    This section contains the contact address details of the employee.


    This section contains the address details of the employee.

    User can Click on Create(+) to add address details of the Employee

    Address Details
    Field name Description
    Address name Enter a quick identification name for the address
    Pin code Enter the pin code of the address. Pin code, also known as Postal Index Number (PIN), is a unique code consisting of six digits that is used in India to identify specific geographic regions.
    Address line 1 Enter the details of the address line 1
    Address line 2 Enter the details of the address line 2
    City name Select the city name from the list of the address
    Landmark Enter the landmark for the address to quickly identify
    Capture GPS coordinates Click on the checkbox to select to allow the capture of GPS coordinates. By using GEO tagging feature, the users can capture the exact location of the salesperson or employee
    DOCUMENTS User can click on Create and add documents or files of the employee.

    Click on SAVE and the address details are added.

    Employee payment method

    Field name Description
    Payment method Displays payment method allotted to the employee. User can edit employee payment method by clicking on Edit option(Pencil Icon)
    Add employee payment method
    How would you like to pay this employee? Select Payment method from the options of Cheque or Deposit by clicking on the circle box and click on Save to apply the changes

    Employee Bank details

    This section contains information about the employee’s bank for transactions

    Field name Description
    Bank name Name of the employee’s bank account
    IFSC code IFSC code of the bank provided
    Branch name Branch name of the bank location
    Account type Employee’s bank account type is displayed whether savings or current account
    Account number Account number of the bank account

    User can click on Create(+) to add or edit bank account details

    Add Employee Bank details

    Note: All the star(*) marked fields are mandatory!

    Field name Description
    Acc holder name Account holder name of the bank account
    Bank name Enter the name of the employee’s bank account
    Branch name Enter the branch name where the bank is located
    Account number Enter the account number of the bank account
    Confirm account number Re-enter the account number to ensure free from errors
    IFSC code Enter the iFSC code of the bank account
    Account type Select employee’s bank account type whether savings or current account by clicking on the circle box and click on Save to apply the changes

    Phone Number

    This section contains the contact phone number of the employee

    User can click on Create to add Phone number, type of phone number and verify the registered phone number of the employee.

    Add Phone Number

    Field name Description
    Number type Select the Number Type like Personal, Office, Home, Others.
    Phone type Select type of phone from the list like landline or mobile
    Mobile no Enter phone number of the employee

    Click on Save to phone details are added.

    Email ID

    This section consists of email details of the employee. Users can click on Create to add Email ID of the customer and type of Email (work or Personal)

    Field name Description
    Email type Select type of email of the employee like Work or Personal
    Email Enter email address of the employee

    Click on Save and Email details are added.


    This section contains URL link of the employee. Users can click on Create to add the URL and type of URL of the employee.

    Field name Description
    URL type Enter the URL Type of the employee
    URL Enter URL of the employee


    Click on Create login and register with the Email address provided

    Field name Description
    User Login The widget provides the details of login access status

    GPS enable


    The widget shows the details of GPS access. User can Enable or disable the GPS Access. By using GEO tagging feature, the users can capture the exact location of the employee by enabling Capture this location checkbox.


    Employee Provident Fund

    Field name Description
    Provident fund no Employee’s provident fund number is displayed. It is an account number allotted to the employees which can be used to check the status of EPF and available balance in the account
    UAN number Universal Account Number or UAN is a 12-digit identification number, which both employee and your employer are assigned, under which both can contribute to the EPF

    Create Employee Provident Fund

    Field name Description
    Enable EPF User can click on the toggle to enable employee’s EPF. Toggle turns to green in color when user enables and enter EPF details
    EPF details
    PF account no. Enter Employee’s PF account number
    UAN number Enter employee’s UAN number

    Apply all the details and click on “Save”

    Employee State Insurance

    An Act to provide for certain benefits to employees in case of sickness, maternity and ‘employment injury ’ and to make provision for certain other matters in relation thereto.

    Field name Description
    ESI number Displays Employee’s State Insurance number. The main objective of the ESI is to provide financial and medical assistance to beneficiaries during periods of inability like sickness, injury due to employment or maternity
    Create Employee State Insurance
    Enable ESI User can click on the toggle to enable employee’s ESI. Toggle turns to green in colour when user enables and enter ESI details
    ESI number Enter Employee’s State Insurance account number

    Apply the required details and click on “Save”

    Labour Welfare Fund

    Labour welfare is an aid in the form of money or necessities for those in need. It provides facilities to labourer in order to improve their working conditions, provide social security, and raise their standard of living.

    Field name Description
    Labour welfare fund Displays Labour welfare fund account number.  Labour welfare is an aid in the form of money or necessities for those in need. It provides facilities to labourer in order to improve their working conditions, provide social security, and raise their standard of living.
    Create Labour Welfare Fund
    Enable LWF User can click on the Toggle to enable LWF for an employee. Toggle turns to green in colour when user enables.

    Apply all the details and click on “Save”

    Professional Tax

    Professional tax is a tax that is levied by the state government and applies to income an employee earns through employment.

    Field name Description
    Professional tax Displays employee’s professional tax amount. Professional tax is a tax that is levied by the state government and applies to income an employee earns through employment.
    Create Professional Tax
    Enable Professional Tax User can click on the Toggle to enable Professional tax for an employee. Toggle turns to green in colour when user enables.

    Create Employee Salary Details

    Field name Description
    Salary Template Select salary template for an employee from the list.
    Annual CTC Enter annual CTC of the employee. Cost to company (CTC) is a term for the total salary package of an employee.
    Salary Sub types  
    Revise Salary  


    This section contains details about leaves and leave balances of the employee

    Field name Description
    Leave applications Displays number of leave applications of an employee
    Leave balances Displays number of remaining leaves available for an employee

    Manual leave balance

    This section contains details about leave type and available leaves of the employee

    Field name Description
    Leave type Displays leave type like casual leave, sick leave or privilege leave
    Available leaves Displays number of available leaves for the employee
    Reason Displays employees reason for leave

    User can also edit or create leave balance manually by clicking on Create(+)

    Create Manual leave balance

    Field name Description
    Leave type Select a leave type to apply from the list
    Date System automatically loads date or user can Select date from the calendar
    Existing balance Displays number of available leaves for the employee
    New balance Enter new leave balance for the employee in number of days
    Reason Enter reason for the leave

    Apply the details and click on Save


    Field name Description
    Comments User can write short notes or comments about the employee
    Created Date Date when the employee is created
    Created By User’s name who created the employee
    Last updated date Last stage changed of the employee
    Last Updated by User’s name who last updated the stage
    Status Displays current status of the employee
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app


    in Employees
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