Payment Widgets

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    Field name Description
    Print template This widget allows user to print or download the invoice.

    Confirm Payment

    Payment Confirmation is a transaction document that can be part of a receipt, which shows a payment was issued. It can be a confirmation number or order number.

    Click on CONFIRM option to create a Payment Confirmation Receipt and enter the details required.

    Field name Description
    Date Select the date of payment confirmation from the calender
    Mode Enter the mode of the payment (System automatically displays the Mode of payment and amount like Cash, NEFT, Cheque or Bank etc..)
    Ref No Enter the reference number of the payment
    Ref date Enter the reference date of the payment
    Account Select the account name of payment from the list
    Description User can comment or write a short notes about the payments

    Click on SAVE and the Payment Confirmation receipt is created


    This section contains the basic details about the payment dates, payment mode and name of the person who created the payment.


    Field name Description
    Payment No Displays the Payment number or order number of the payment
    Ref no Reference number of the payment is displayed
    Rejected date If a payment gets rejected, the date of rejection is displayed
    Confirmed date When a payment is confirmed, the date of confirmation is displayed
    Created by Displays the name of the person who created the payment invoice
    Created Date The date when the payment created is displayed
    Payment mode The mode of payment made is displayed like (Cash, Cheque, or NEFT etc..)
    Advance amount The amount paid in advance to the order is displayed. (Advance payment is a type of payment made ahead of its normal schedule such as paying for a good or service before actually receiving it.)

    Payment Summary

    The payment summary will show each payee how much amount is paid to the customer in the financial year, and how much is withheld from the payments.

    The payment summary section will display the user about the details of the Ledger account and amount paid.

    Payment summary

    Field name Description
    Payment mode The mode of payment made is displayed (Cash, Cheque, NEFT etc..)
    Ref No Reference number of the payment is displayed
    Ledger name The Ledger account name of the company is displayed
    Payment amount The total payment amount made for the transaction is displayed


    This section displays the user about the Bank transactions details along with the Cheque number and it’s date.

    Branch The name of the bank branch is displayed
    Cheque No Displays the cheque number of the payment to the user
    Cheque date Displays the date of the cheque
    Ref No Displays the reference number of the cheque
    Ref date The reference date of the cheque payment is displayed
    Bank name The name of  the bank the payment was made is displayed
    Description Displays a brief notes or comments about the payment


    Transactions are the completed agreement between a buyer and a seller to exchange goods, services, or financial assets in return for money.


    Adjustments are the entries that are made in the general journal at the end of an accounting period to bring account balances up-to-date.

     Adjusted from

    This section shows the details of the account the amount is adjusted from.

    Date The date of the payment adjustment made from is displayed
    Ref no The reference number for the payment adjusted from is displayed
    Paid Displays the amount paid
    Pending Displays the amount to be paid (Pending amount)
    Discount The discount added or to be added to the payment is displayed
    Paid total The Total amount paid for the order is displayed

    Adjusted To

    This section shows the details of the account the amount is adjusted to.

    Date The date of the payment adjustment made to is displayed
    Ref no The reference number for the payment adjusted to is displayed
    Paid Displays the amount paid
    Pending Displays the amount to be paid (Pending amount)
    Discount The discount added or to be added to the payment is displayed
    Paid total The Total amount paid for the order is displayed

    Advance Receipts:

    Advance payment is a type of payment made ahead of its normal schedule such as paying for a good or service before you actually receive it.

    This section contains the user about the advance payments amount details

    Date The date of the payment adjustment made from is displayed
    Ref no The reference number for the payment adjusted from is displayed
    Amount Displays the advance amount of the payment account

    Activity Log

    Comments User can write short notes or comments about the payments
    Created Date The date of creation of the payment order
    Created By The name of the person who created the order
    Last Updated Date The last stage changed of the order
    Last Updated By The name of the person who last updated the stage
    Status This section displays the current status of the payments
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.


    in Payments
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