Price List Widgets

Article sections


    Stage Current stage of the Price list of items whether it is active, inactive or deleted
    EDIT User can also edit Price lists by clicking on EDIT option


    This section contains and displays the unique price identities like price code, price list and the effective date of the Listed price

    Code Price code name is displayed. A price code provides a discount for items/SKUs in a specified offer or source code when the customer orders a limited quantity. The code offers a special price for the item or a defined group of items
    Name Displays price list name
    Effective date Effective date for the listed Price for the items is displayed. An effective date is a date upon which the Price listed is considered to take effect, which may be a past, present, or future date
    LoB Line of Business (LoB) segment of price list items

    Price List Items

    This section contains details about the price list items, purchase price, Maximum Retail Price, and their amounts

    Search User can search for a particular item to view their details
    Item name Displays name of the item for which price is listed
    MRP Maximum Retail Price of the item is displayed
    List Price List price of an item is displayed. The list price is simply the price that an item is listed to be sold for. This could be the amount the manufacturer suggests, and it could also be what the dealer decides to charge
    Pur. price Purchase price of the item is displayed
    Description Displays comments or short notes about the Price list items

    User can click on the EDIT option to make changes in the List price and MRP of the Items.

    Edit Price List Items

    Search User can click on search option for a particular item to view their details. Click on the price of the item and enter a new price
    Item name Item name for which the price is listed
    MRP Maximum Retail Price of the item is displayed. User can click on the item price and enter a new MRP for the items
    List Price User can click on the item price and enter a new list price for the items
    Pur price Purchase price of the item is displayed. User can click on the item price and enter a new purchase price for the items


    Comments User can write short notes or comments about the Price list
    Created Date Date when the Price list is created
    Created By Name of the person who created the price lists
    Last Updated Date Last stage changed of the listed prices
    Last Updated By Name of the person who last updated the stage
    Status Displays the current status of the Price list
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.
    in Price Lists
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