Line Of Business Widgets

Article sections


    Field name Description
    LoB Line of business (LoB) segment of the company
    Short code Short name of Line of business name
    Default contact Default branch name of the organization. Users can change a branch’s default contact by clicking on EDIT, which navigates to the Edit Assign Default Contact module, select the Contact from the list and click on SAVE
    Description Comments or short notes about Line of Business segment are displayed


    Recommended Tags

    This section contains Tag names and app name of the Line of Business (LoB)

    Tag name Tag name is displayed. Tag enables the grouping of different entities within a system (for example Zone wise grouping of customers, two-wheeler tires, etc.), which can be defined by each organization based on the analytic reports
    App App name to which LoB belongs

    Create Recommended Tags

    Tag Select Tag name from the list
    App Select App name from the list
    Index Enter the Index value

    Transaction lock dates

    This section contains the transaction lock dates of Invoices, DC, GRN, and Receipts. A lock date is when no user can change an accounting document influencing the previous fiscal period.

    Click on EDIT to edit Transaction Lock Dates and select dates for each invoice

    Field name Description
    Invoice lock date Select lock date for the invoice from calendar
    Receipt lock date Select lock date for the receipt from calendar
    DC lock date Select lock date for the DC from calendar
    Order lock date Select lock date for the Order from calendar
    Purc. lock date Select lock date for the Purchase from calendar

    Note: Invoice Lock Dates can be accessed if requested by the customer or distributor

    LoB wise Break Up

    Breakup value would be the value of a company if its components were to be sold or spun off and operated independently.

    This section contains the App name and Break Up value of the items

    App name Displays app name of the items in Line of business
    Break up Break-Up value of the items in the LoB segment

    Edit LoB wise Break Up

    Field name Description
    App Select App name from the list
    Break Up Enter Break Up value of the items in its LoB segment
    User can add multiple apps by clicking on ADD option

    Apply all the details and click on SAVE

    MRP settings

    This section contains the MRP settings of branches based on LIFO and FIFO.

    The Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) method assumes that the last unit to arrive in inventory or more recent is sold first.

    The First-In, First-Out (FIFO) method takes that the oldest unit of stock is sold first.

    Sales MRP

    Branch Branch name is displayed
    Setting Displays whether the inventory sales follow the LIFO or FIFO method.

    Click on CREATE(+) to add Sales MRP settings, it will navigate to ADD SALES MRP SETTINGS page and enter the details required

    Add Sales MRP settings

    Branch Select branch name from the list
    Sales Select whether sales MRP should follow LIFO or FIFO method

    Click on SAVE to save the sales MRP settings

    Purchase MRP

    Branch Displays the branch name
    Setting Displays settings whether the inventory purchases are following the LIFO method or FIFO method

    Click on CREATE(+) to add Purchase MRP settings, it will navigate to ADD PURCHASE MRP SETTINGS page

    Add Purchase MRP settings

    Branch Select branch name from the list
    Purchase Select LIFO or FIFO method to assign to the Purchase MRP settings

    Click on SAVE to save the Purchase MRP settings

    Sales Auto MRP

    This section contains and displays the branch inventory for which Auto MRP is enabled. Click on CREATE (+) to enable or disable Auto MRP settings

    Branch Select branch name from the list
    Auto MRP Select ‘YES’ to enable Sales Auto MRP settings or ‘NO’ to disable Auto MRP settings

    Click on SAVE to save the Auto MRP settings

    Sale check availability

    This section displays the settings to check availability of the inventory of a branch

    Branch Select the branch name from the list
    Check availability Click on ‘YES’ to enable check availability settings or ‘NO’ to disable check availability settings

    Check Branch

    Add Check Branch

    Check availability  

    Order Settings

    Sales Order

    Field name Description
    Branch Displays branch name
    Setting Displays Sales settings whether a DC or an Invoice is created first
    Auto Invoice Displays settings whether the invoice is automatically created or not
    Deviation quantity Displays deviation quantity. It is a measurement of a relative riskiness of an asset
    Calculate Tax Displays whether the Tax is calculated or not
    Price type Price type of the order is displayed (Composite price, Piece price or both)

    Click on CREATE(+) to add Settings to the Sales Order, it will navigate to Add Sales Order Settings page and enter the details required

    Add Sales Order settings

    Field name Description
    Branch Select branch name from the list
    Sales Select settings to the sales order whether a DC First or an Invoice First) When user selects DC first option, a DC is created first for any Sales order. When user selects Invoice first option, an invoice is created first for the Sales Order)
    Auto create Click on Toggle to enable Auto Create Invoice when DC is created. Toggle turns to Green in color when user turns on the Toggle and this enables to automatically create Invoice when DC is created
    Deviation Qty Enter deviation quantity of the sales order. It is a measurement of a relative riskiness of an asset
    Calculate Tax User can click on Toggle to enable Tax calculation. (Toggle turns to Green in color)
    Price type Select the price type to apply for the sales order as Composite price, Piece Price or both

    Click on SAVE to save the Sales Order Settings

    Purchase Order

    Field name Description
    Branch Displays branch name
    Setting Displays Purchase Order settings whether a GRN or Invoice is created first
    Auto Invoice Displays settings whether an invoice is automatically created or not
    Deviation Qty Displays the deviation quantity. It is a measurement of a relative riskiness of an asset
    Calculate Tax Displays whether the Tax is calculated or not
    Price type Price type of the Purchase Order is displayed (Composite price, Piece price or both)

    Click on CREATE(+) to add Settings to the Purchase Order, it will navigate to Add Purchase Order Settings page and enter the details required

    Add Purchase Order settings

    Field name Description
    Branch Select branch name from the list
    Purchase Select an option to add settings to the Purchase Order whether a GRN First or Invoice First) When the user selects GRN first, a GRN is created first for any Purchase Order. When user selects Invoice first, an invoice is created first for the Purchase Order)
    Auto create Click on Toggle to enable Auto Create Invoice when DC is created. Toggle turns to Green in color when user turns on the Toggle and this enables to automatically create Invoice when DC is created
    Deviation Qty Enter the deviation quantity of the sales order. It is a measurement of a relative riskiness of an asset
    Calculate Tax Click on the Toggle to enable Tax calculation. (Toggle turns to Green in color)
    Price type Select price type to apply for the Purchase Order as Composite price, Piece Price or both

    Click on SAVE to save the Purchase Order Settings

    Sales Batch

    This section contains the settings details of the Sales Batch

    Branch Displays branch name
    Settings Displays whether the inventory Sales are sold by Batch method or MRP method. A batch is a quantity of goods produced at one time.

    Add sales batch settings

    Branch Select branch name from the list
    Sales Select settings to apply, whether the Sales follow Batch method or MRP method. A Batch is a quantity of goods produced at one time.

    Click on SAVE to save the Sales batch settings

    Purchase Batch

    Branch Displays branch name
    Settings Displays whether the inventory Purchase are purchased by Batch method or MRP method. A Batch is a quantity of goods produced at one time.

    Click on SAVE to save the Purchase batch settings

    Add Purchase Batch settings

    Branch Select the branch name from the list
    Purchase Select the settings to apply, whether the Purchase follow Batch method or MRP method.  A Batch is a quantity of goods produced at one time.

    Click on SAVE to save the Purchase batch settings

    Sales Inventory

    Sales Inventory Type

    Branch Displays branch name
    Sales Displays whether Inventory Sales are sold by Quantity wise, in Packs, in Packs and pieces or Pieces type.

    User can click on CREATE to Add Sales Inventory settings types from the options

    Purchase Inventory Type

    Branch Displays branch name
    Purchase Displays Inventory Purchases are purchased by Quantity wise, in Packs, in Packs and pieces or Pieces type. User can click on CREATE to Add Purchase Inventory settings types from the options

    Sales Opportunity

    Add Sales Opportunity settings

    This section contains and displays the settings of Sales Opportunity. User can Add settings to the Sales opportunity by clicking on CREATE(+)

    Branch Select branch name from the list
    Sales Select an option to assign settings to the Sales Opportunity from the list of ‘Quantity’, ‘Value’ or ‘Quantity and value’.

    Purchase Opportunity

    Add Purchase Opportunity

    This section contains and displays the settings of Purchase Opportunity. User can Add settings to the Purchase opportunity by clicking on CREATE(+)

    Branch Select branch name from the list
    Purchase Select an option to add settings to the Purchase Opportunity from the list of ‘Quantity’, ‘Value’ or ‘Quantity and value’.

    Ledger settings

    Branches Select branch name from the list
    Is Separate Sales Discount account? Select by clicking on the Checkbox if it is a Separate sales discount account and select the discount sales from the list
    Is Separate Purchase discount account? Select by clicking on the Checkbox if it is a Separate Purchase discount account and select the discount Purchase from the list
    Expense sales Select Expense Sales Inventory from the list. Selling expenses are the costs associated with distributing, marketing and selling a product or service.
    Expense Purchase Select Purchase Expense Inventory from the list. Purchase Expenses means all expenses incurred in connection with the purchase of common stock or goods

    Click on SAVE to save the Ledger Setting details

    Purchase Plan

    Branch Displays branch name
    Org name Name of the Organization
    Lead time Displays lead time in days. It is the number of days from when a company places an order for production inputs it needs, to when those items arrive at the manufacturing plant
    SD lead time Displays lead time in days of Sales and distribution. It is the Period of time that it takes a product to go on a shipment
    Service level Displays service level percentage. Certain goals are defined and the service level gives the percentage to which those goals should be achieved. The number of tickets resolved within the SLA(Service Level Agreement) divided by the total number of tickets resolved during the selected time period within the filters

    Create Purchase Plan LoB

    Branch name Select branch name from the list
    Supplier details
    Org name Select Organization name from the list
    Service level (%) Enter service level percentage. It is the number of tickets resolved within the SLA(Service Level Agreement) divided by the total number of tickets resolved during the selected time period within the filters
    Lead time (days) Enter lead time as number of days. It is the number of days from when a company places an order for production inputs it needs, to when those items arrive at the manufacturing plant
    SD lead Time (days) Enter SD(Sales and Distribution) lead time in number of days. It is the Period of time that it takes a product to go on a shipment


    Comments User can write short notes or comments about the LoB settings
    Created Date Date when the LoB is created
    Created By Name of the person who created LoB
    Last Updated Date Last stage changed of the LoB settings
    Last Updated By Person’s name who last updated the stage
    Status This section displays the current status of the LoB
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.
    in Line of Business
    Table of Contents