Bank Reconciliation Widgets

Article sections


    This section contains the summarized amount details of bank reconciliation, Ledger balance, bank balance and un-reconcile bank balance amount.

    Field name Description
    Ledger name Ledger account name is displayed
    From date From date of the bank reconcile account
    To date To date of the bank account reconcile


    Field name Description
    Ledger balance Ledger balance available in the account
    Reconcile Ledger balance Displays the ledger balance amount reconciled of the bank accounts. Reconciling an account means accurately verifying its balances against the evidence substantiating the amounts
    Un-reconcile ledger balance Displays un-reconciled ledger balance amount of the bank account. It means during a transaction the amount that doesn’t get “checked” off during the reconciliation process
    Bank balance Available amount of balance in the bank account
    Reconcile bank balance Displays reconciled bank balance amount available in the bank account
    Un-reconcile bank balance Displays amount of un-reconciled bank balance

    Upload Statements

    This section contains and displays the bank reconciliation details of the bank account with the uploaded statement reports

    Field name Description
    Created by User’s name who created the bank reconciliation of the account
    Created date Date when the reconciliation of bank accounts occurred
    Description Comments or short notes about reconciliation of bank account is displayed

    Activity Log

    Comments User can write short notes or comments about the Bank reconciliation
    Created Date Creation date of Bank reconciliation
    Created By User’s name who created Bank reconciliation
    Last Updated Date Last stage changed of Bank reconciliation
    Last Updated By User’s name who last updated the stage
    Status Displays current status of the Bank reconciliation
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.
    in Bank Reconciliation
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