Items Creation

Article sections

    The creation process of an Item

    The process to Create the Item details is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Items App > Item Listview > Create (+) 

    Note : All the star marked(*) fields are mandatory

    Create Item

    Field Name Field Description
    Product Name Select the product name from the list
    Item Name Enter the name of the item
    SKU Enter the SKU Code of the item
    Upload Select the background image to upload from the local storage
    For Advanced Options, click on ‘More Options’
    Additional Info
    Short Code Enter the short name for the item
    Weight Enter the weight of the item
    PDS Link Enter the PDS link of the item for reference
    SKU Available Enter the SKU available of the item
    Internal Name Select the internal(alias) name of the item available in warehouse
    Is Loyalty Applicable User can click on the toggle to enable loyalty. The toggle turns to Green color when enabled and Red when disabled
    Multiple Pack

    When a user enable “Multiple Pack” user should provide following details

    Piece Size: Enter the size of the item piece

    Piece Count: Enter the count of the item pieces

    OB Qty Select the OB(Opening balance) quantity from the calendar
    OB Date Select the OB(Opening balance) date from the calendar
    Details URL Enter the URL of the item for more details
    Advantages User can enter the advantages and benefits of the item
    Sales Settings
    Sales Price Enter the selling price of the product
    Sales A/c Select the sales account from the list
    Credit note A/c Select the credit note account from the list
    Sales Return A/c Select the sales return account from the list
    Sales Description User can enter the  additional information about the sales settings
    Purchase Settings
    Purchase Price Enter the purchase price of the product
    Purchase A/c Select the Purchase account from the list
    Debit A/c Select the debit note account from the list
    Purchase Return A/c Select the purchase return account from the list
    Purchase Description User can enter the  additional information about the purchase settings
    Discontinue Settings
    Mark As D Portals Select branch names from the list to mark as D Portals
    Discontinue Portals Select branch names from the list to assign discontinue portals
    Tags Select tags by clicking on the checkbox to assign

    Apply all the details and click on Save.

    in Items
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