Sales Opportunity Creation

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    The process to create a Sales Opportunity

    The creation process for Sales Opportunity:

    Navigation: Menu > Sales Opportunity App > Sales Opportunity Listview > Create (+) Option 

    Organization Select the name of the organization from the drop-down list

    User can also create a Sales opportunity by clicking on Create (+) option.

    Note : The fields which are in star mark (*) are mandatory

    Create Sales Opportunity 

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory
    Basic details
    Company name Select name of the company from the list Yes
    Series Select Series name from the list Yes
    LoB Select Line of business segment from the list Yes
    Sales Person Select Salesperson name from the list Yes
    Bill From Select “Bill From” address from the list Yes
    Bill To Select “Bill To” address from the list Yes
    Ship From Select “Ship From” address from the list Yes
    Ship To Select “Ship To” address from the list Yes
    Opportunity Information
    Opportunity name 1 Enter a name for the Sales Opportunity Yes
    Opportunity Type Select Opportunity type from the list as (New business, Renewal or Re-Open). If the Opportunity type is Renewal type, then select Renewal Opportunity’s name from the list in the next field. Yes


     Select Items Click on Select Items to add items to the Sales Opportunity
    Search Items Enter name of the Item or SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) of the item      –
    Opportunity Items
    All Items User can view all the items by selecting ALL Items option      –
    Opp groups User can view the items in Opportunity groups      –
    Offers User can view items which has offers      –
    Filters User can view items by selective filters  
    Item Details
    Quantity When users enable “quantity” users can provide item details with quantity.      –
    Pieces When users enable “pieces” users can provide item details in pieces.      –
    Cartons Default quantity item quantity can be viewed in cartons      –
    Enable piece When users click on the “Enable Pieces” checkbox. Users can enter item quantities in cartons and pieces.      –
    Enable Composite Price When users click on the “Enable Composite Price” checkbox. Users can view the price details including tax on the item.      –
    Enable Piece Price When users click on the “Enable Pieces” checkbox. Users can view the piece price of an item      –
    Total items Displays total quantity of the order items      –
    Total quantity Displays total number of order items      –
    Continue shopping User can click on Continue Shopping option to add more items to the cart      –
    Opportunity details
    Ref no. Enter a reference number for the opportunity Yes
    Opportunity vol. Enter volume of the opportunity items Yes
    Close date Enter closing date of the opportunity Yes
    Expiry date Enter expiry date for the opportunity Yes
    Recurring opp.

    User can click on the toggle to select if it is a recurring opportunity.

    Toggle turns to Green in colour when enabled and Red when disabled.

    If user enables the toggle, fill the details below:

    For Every: Enter the opportunity recurring value in the field

    Open For: Select whether the opportunity is open for days, week, month or year.

    Times: Enter how many times the opportunity should recur

    Price details
    Gross Amount Total amount with Taxes added      –
    Discount Total discount value given on the item. The “Discount on Items” value is loaded automatically      –
    Total Tax amount Total tax amount for the invoice      –
    Assbl. amount Assessed amount of the order items      –
    Net Total Total amount of the items to be paid      –
    Description User can comment or enter short notes about Sales Opportunity No

    Apply all the details and click on “Save”

    in Sales Opportunity
    Table of Contents