Sales Claim Overview

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    Sales claim refers to the process of making a request for reimbursement or adjustment related to a sales transaction. The sales claim serves as a formal request by the customer to address concerns such as product defects, incorrect pricing, damaged goods, delivery issues, or unsatisfactory service.

    BizGaze’s “Sales Claim App” helps businesses address and rectify any shortcomings, maintain customer loyalty, and uphold their reputation for quality and customer support. Properly managing sales claims ensures fair and prompt resolution of customer issues, ultimately fostering positive customer relationships and enhancing overall business performance. 

    Stage Workflow

    Default stages of Sales Claim App:

    Stage Name Description
    Draft Sales claim created but not processed
    Approval Approval claims that have been sent to a manager for review and approval
    Active Approved Claims which may involve a refund, a replacement product, or some other form of compensation.
    Rejected Rejected Sales Claims which does not met the conditions
    Partial Partial claimed entries
    Completed Claims that have gone through all stages of the claims process and have been fully processed or resolved.
    Void The nullified or canceled claims

    Portlets & Widgets

    In the layout view, a Portlet accurately represents each functionality, and its corresponding data is precisely viewed as a Widget. The following section includes the default portlets and widgets of the Sales Claim App.


    Print User can print or download the Sales Claim
    Return DC Allows user to create the Return Dc to the Sales Claim
    Outward DC User can create the Outward Dc to the Sales Claim
    Credit Note User can generate Credit Note for the Sales Claim


    Field name Description
    Ordered Quantity of the items added in the sales claim
    Invoiced Displays the total invoice quantity of the Items
    Delivered Displays the total Delivered quantity of the Items
    Claim Inward Displays the quantity of Inward claim
    Claim Outward Displays the total quantity outward claim


    This widget contains the summarized details of the Sales Claim

    Field name Description
    PO Date Date on which the Purchase Order is placed. A PO(Purchase Order) is generated when the customer places an order
    Claim Date Date on which the claim for an order is raised. It is important for tracking purposes and helps determine the expected delivery timeline
    Ref No Displays the reference number of the Sales Claim. Reference number is assigned for quick identification purpose
    LoB Short Code Short code or short name of the Line of Business segment
    Expected Delivery Date Displays the delivery date of the Sales Claim
    Total Amount Displays the Total amount of the Sales Claim


    Sales claim items refer to the specific products or items for which a sales claim is being made by a customer. This widget contains Items details like Item name, SKU and Quantity

    Field name Description
    Item Name Item name refers to the name or title of a product, service, or item that is being offered for sale or purchase. It is typically used to describe the product or item in a concise and clear manner, so that customers can easily understand what it is and what it does.
    SKU Displays SKU code of the item. A SKU, which stands for Stock Keeping Unit, is a unique identifier for each of the products that makes it easier to track inventory
    Quantity Quantity refers to the numerical value that represents the number of items, products, or units that are being purchased or sold in a transaction. It is the total number of units of a product or service for which sales claim is raised

    Claim Value summary

    Sales claim value summary refers to a concise overview or summary of the total value or monetary amount associated with sales claims made by customers.

    Field name Description
    Gross Amount Gross Amount refers to the total amount of money or value of a transaction before any deductions or expenses are taken into account. It includes all charges, fees, taxes, and other costs associated with the transaction.
    Discount Total discount value given on the item. The “Discount on Items” value is loaded automatically.
    Total Tax Amount Total Tax Amount refers to the sum of all taxes that are applicable to a transaction or purchase.
    Assebl. amount Assessable Amount refers to the before tax and after discount amount.
    Net Total Net Total refers to the final amount that remains after all deductions, discounts, taxes, and other charges have been subtracted from the Gross Amount. It is the actual amount that a customer is required to pay for a product


    This widget provides the address details of the customer

    Field name Description
    Billing Address The billing address refers to the address associated with the customer or entity responsible for payment for the purchased goods or services
    Delivery Address The delivery address represents the specific location where the purchased goods or services are to be delivered or shipped. It is the address provided by the customer or recipient for receiving the products
    Sold By The sold by address refers to the address of the entity or business that sold the goods or services in question. It represents the physical location or contact information of the seller.
    Delivery From The delivery from address denotes the location or address from where the goods are dispatched or shipped to the customer’s delivery address. It represents the originating point of the delivery process

    Description: Comments or short notes about the Sales Claim are displayed

    This section contains transaction details of the Sales Claim. A transaction is an event or action that involves the exchange of goods, services, or financial assets between two or more parties.


    This section contains the Invoice details of the Sales Claim like Invoice Number, Date, Pending Amount, Due Date and Amount Paid.

    Field name Description
    Invoice No Invoice number of the Sales Claim. The invoice document consists the details of sale or supply by one business to another business or consumer.
    Invoice Date Displays date of when the Invoice is created
    Due Date Displays the date on which payment needs to be made
    Total Amount Total amount of the Invoice
    Paid It refers to the payment amount paid for the Invoice.
    Pending It can refer to an outstanding balance of Customer as well as an unpaid invoice or bill for goods or services rendered.

    Delivery Challans

    This section contains the Delivery Challan (DC) details like contains DC Number, items, quantity, Date, shipper name, and stage.

    Field name Description
    DC No The Delivery Challan Number is a unique identifier or reference number associated with the delivery or shipment of goods in a sales claim
    Items Qty Items Quantity refers to the quantity or number of items being claimed in the sales claim. It represents the count or measurement of the products or goods that are subject to the claim
    Ref Date Displays the reference date on which the sales claim is generated. It serves as a reference point for tracking the timeline of the claim process.
    Shipper Name of the shipper or shipping organization. The Shipper refers to the party responsible for shipping or delivering the goods associated with the sales claim. It can be the seller, a logistics provider, or any other entity involved in the transportation of the goods.
    Stage Displays the current stage of the Sales Claim

    Activity Log provide users with essential information, notifications, and real-time updates to keep them engaged and informed about key activities in apps related to updates, notifications, and stage changes.

    Field name Field Description
    Comments User can write short notes or comments about the Sales Claim
    Created Date Date when the Sales Claim is created
    Created By Name of the person who created the Sales Claim
    Last Updated Date Last stage changed of the Sales Claim
    Last Updated By Name of the person who last updated the stage
    Status Displays the current status of the Sales Claim
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.



    A report is a document that presents information in an organized format for a specific audience and purpose. Although summaries of reports may be delivered orally, complete reports are almost always in the form of written documents. 

    1. Sales Claim Reports
    in Sales Claim
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