Offers Overview

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    Offers are marketing strategies to promote a product with exceptional prices to close a potential sale by accepting terms and conditions in return for utilizing the benefit of the offer.

    Stage Workflow

    Default stages of the Offers App:

    Name Stage Description
    Draft The offer is created but not yet started.
    Active The offer is in progress or active stage
    Finalized The offer is completed and ready to generate credit notes or coupons.
    Completed The offer period is completed.
    Inactive The list of offers which are deactivated  

    Portlets & Widgets

    A layout view defined by the individual functionalities are called portlets and each functional data is designed and viewed as widgets. The default portlets and widgets in “Offers App” are as follows:

    This section contains details of the Offer plans, plan items, Wallet and Credit Note details of the customer in the Offer period.

    Field name Description
    Total plans Displays total count of plans included in the Offer. User can click on the hyperlink at the top right, which displays detailed data of customer’s Plans report
    Total customers Displays count of total customers included in the Offer. User can click on the hyperlink at the top right, which displays detailed data of Offers Included Contacts Report
    Total plan items Total number of Plan items included in the Offer. User can click on the hyperlink at the top right, which displays detailed report of Plan Items
    Total Wallets Total number of Wallets generated for the completed Offers. User can click on the hyperlink at the top right, which displays detailed report of Wallets history
    Total Credit Notes Displays total number of Credit Notes generated for the finalized offers. User can click on the hyperlink at the top right, which displays detailed report of Credit Note Offers
    Total Wallet value Displays the total amount generated for the finalized offers. User can click on the hyperlink at the top right, which displays detailed report of Wallet history
    Available amount Displays the total available credit amount of the customer

    Offer Details

    This widget provides the details of the Offer like offer name, Line of Business segment and Validity period of the Offer

    Field name Description
    Offer name Displays the name of the Offer. Offers are marketing strategies to promote a product with exceptional prices to close a potential sale by accepting terms and conditions in return for utilizing the benefit of the offer.
    LoB Line of Business segment of the Offer Group is displayed. A Line of business segment is an area of operation in which a company has an established separate product line or industry in which the company operates.
    From date Displays the date on which the Offer becomes valid and can be redeemed or used
    To date Last valid date of the Offer; later that date, the Offer no longer exists


    This Widget contains the details of the Offer Plan and the Items included in the Plan

    Field name Description
    Plan name Displays plan name of the Offer. Plan name is defined to represent the incentive plans in multiple plans that are configured in the Offer. “Plan” in an Offer generally refers to the overall strategy or structure of the offer.
    Item name/SKU Item name or SKU of the product. A SKU, which stands for Stock Keeping Unit, is a unique identifier for each of the products that makes it easier to track inventory
    Points Points are the redeemable amount that are generated for the finalized Offers. “Points” in an offer plan often refer to a reward system where customers earn points for making a purchase or taking a specific action.

    Plan Items

    This widget contains details about the Plan Items in the Offer

    Field name Description
    Plan name Displays Plan name of the Offer. Plan name is defined to represent the incentive plans in multiple plans that are configured in the Offer. “Plan” in an Offer generally refers to the overall strategy or structure of the offer.
    Item name /SKU Item name or SKU of the product. A SKU, which stands for Stock Keeping Unit, is a unique identifier for each of the products that makes it easier to track inventory
    Points Points are the redeemable amount that are generated for the finalized Offers. “Points” in an offer plan often refer to a reward system where customers earn points for making a purchase or taking a specific action.

    Plan Status

    This widget provides the plan status of the Offer plan whether it is active or Inactive

    Field name Description
    Plan name Displays Plan name of the Offer. Plan name is defined to represent the incentive plans in multiple plans that are configured in the Offer
    Offer name Displays the name of the Offer
    Status Displays whether the offer plan is active or inactive. Toggle will be in Green color if the Plan is active and Red in color when Plan is inactive.

    Plan Incentives

    Incentives are variable rewards granted according to level of achievement of specific results. Incentives are payment for performance or payment by results. This Widget contains the details of Plan incentives in an Offer plan.

    Field name Description
    Plan name Name of the Offer Plan is displayed.
    Incentive name Incentive plan name is displayed. Plan Incentive is the program that provides incentives or rewards for reaching specific targets.
    Volume/ Value Quantity of plan items ordered during the Offer period either in Volume or value
    Max Payout Maximum payout assigned for the plan incentive. Maximum Payout means the maximum amount of money that the customer may get as discount in the Account balance during the Offer period.
    Linearity value Displays the linearity value of the plan items. It refers to a metric used to measure the consistency of sales or performance over a given period of time.
    Discount type Displays the type of discount applied to the plan items either in value, percentage or any fixed value
    Discount per Unit The discount value offered per unit item is displayed

    FoC (Free of cost) Items

    FoC items refers to products, services or deliveries that are provided to customers without charge, either as part of a promotion, a warranty, or as a goodwill gesture. FOC can be given in terms of Items, Value/Discount on Invoices.

    This Widget contains the details of FoC(Free of Cost) items in an Offer plan

    Field name Description
    Plan name Displays Plan name of the Offer. Plan name is defined to represent the incentive plans in multiple plans that are configured in the Offer
    Item name Name of the FoC item in a plan.
    SKU Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) code of the FoC item is displayed
    Discount Discount applicable on FoC item
    Plan name Displays the plan name in which the FoC Item is included
    Incentive Name of the incentive plan of an Offer is displayed. Incentives are variable rewards granted according to the level of achievement of specific results

     Offers Export Widget

    This section contains and displays all the details of the plan, plan incentives, items details and contacts included in an Offer

    Field name Description
    Offer group Name of the Offer group to which the offer belongs is displayed. An offer group is a logical grouping of related product offerings. It is a way to organize products and services into meaningful categories
    Offer name Name of the Offer is displayed. Offer name represents the name of the Offer created
    From date Date on which the Offer becomes valid
    To date Date on which the Offer period expires
    Offer Included Tags Tags that are included in the Offer plans. Contacts are included in the Offer plans based on their Tags. Offers can be designed based on the Included tags.
    Incentive plan Name of the Incentive Plan Offer. Plan Incentive is the program that provides incentives or rewards for reaching specific targets.
    Plan name Displays the plan name in an Offer
    FoC FoC items refers to products, services or deliveries that are provided to customers without charge, either as part of a promotion, a warranty, or as a goodwill gesture. FOC can be given in terms of Items, Value/Discount on Invoices.
    FoC disc Discount value on FoC items is displayed in Percentage, Fixed value or value
    Incentive disc Displays the discount value of a Incentive plan Offer
    FoC item FoC (Free of Cost) item names/SKU offered in the Offer period are displayed
    Description Comments or short notes about the Offer is displayed

    Included Contacts

    This widget contains the contacts that are included in the Offer based on their Tags

    Contact name Displays contact name of the customer included in the Offer based on their Tags
    From date Starting date as when the contact comes into effect in the Offer
    To date Date on which the contact included in the Offer plan expires
    Added date Date on which the contact is added in the Offer plan

    Excluded contacts

    This widget contains the contacts that are excluded in the Offer based on their Tags

    Contact name Contact names that is excluded from the Offer
    From date Starting date from which the contact is excluded in the Offer plan
    To date Date on which the contact excluded in the Offer plan expires

    Offer Contacts

    This widget contains the Tags of customers that are included and excluded in the Offer

    Field name Description
    Included Tags Displays tag of customer that are included in the Offer
    Excluded Tags Displays tag of customer that are excluded from the Offer
    Total Contacts Count of contacts that are included in the Offer

    This section contains the details of Customer Credit Notes, Wallet details and FoC orders.


    Wallets can be used to make online and in-store purchases, pay bills, make deposits, and transfer money. Transactions are easy, secure and certain points or rewards are gained during the Offer period.

    Field name Description
    Wallet number Wallet number of the contact or organization is displayed. Wallet number is a unique identifier assigned to the customers for quick identification and tracking purposes
    Wallet date Date on which the wallet is created is displayed
    Organization name Contact name of the Organization for whom the wallet is created
    CIN Displays the CIN of the organization.  A Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is a unique identification number that is assigned by the Registrar of Companies (ROC) to the companies registered
    Amount Displays total amount available in the customer wallet

    FoC orders

    “FOC” stands for “Free of Charge”, and “FOC orders” refers to orders where the products or services are provided to the customer without any charge or subject to certain terms and conditions, such as a limited quantity or a specific time period for the offer.

    Field name Description
    Org name Name of the contact Organization is displayed
    Order date Displays the date on which the order is placed
    Order no. Order number or serial number of the order is displayed
    Total qty Total quantity of the Order items
    CIN CIN of the organization.  A Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is a unique identification number that is assigned by the Registrar of Companies (ROC) to the companies registered
    Item name /SKU Item name/SKU of the order. A SKU, which stands for Stock Keeping Unit, is a unique identifier for each of your products that makes it easier to track inventory

    Credit Notes

    This widget provides details about the Credit Note created for the order placed. A Credit Note is a legal document issued by a supplier to the buyer. This document serves as an acknowledgement that the buyer’s account has to be credited with a certain amount

    Field name Description
    Contact name Displays the contact name of the organization based on the credit note created
    Journal date Date on which the journal is created
    Total amount Displays the total amount of credit available to the customer
    Credit note no Displays the Credit Note number of the order
    CIN CIN of the organization. A Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is a unique identification number that is assigned by the Registrar of Companies (ROC) to the companies registered

    Activity Log provide users with essential information, notifications, and real-time updates to keep them engaged and informed about key activities in apps related to updates, notifications, and stage changes.

    Field name Description
    Comments User can write short notes or comments about the Offer
    Created Date Date when the Offer is created
    Created By Name of the user who created the Offer
    Last Updated Date Last stage changed of the Offer
    Last Updated By Name of the person who last updated the stage
    Status Displays the current status of the Offer
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.


    A report is a document that presents information in an organized format for a specific audience and purpose. Although summaries of reports may be delivered orally, complete reports are almost always in the form of written documents.

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