Delivery Challan Overview

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    The outward DC generated for the sales order in the process of delivering goods from vendor to customer is a semi-sale, which may or may not result in sales called delivery challan (DC). In “Bizgaze Application,” the semi-sale reports can be generated with a dynamic automation process followed by simple series and order settings, which include shipper details, i.e., shipper name and contact details, along with the “DC Order Details” of the items received by the customer.

    Stage Workflow

    Default stages are as follows:

    Stage Name Stage Description
    Draft Internal stock transfer DC’s are saved under draft stage
    Active Confirmed DCs moved to Active stage
    Partial Pending DCs are moved into partial
    Completed Completed DCs are moved into completed
    Void Invalid DCs are moved into void 

    Portlets & Widgets

    In the layout view, a Portlet accurately represents each functionality, and its corresponding data is precisely viewed as a Widget. The following section includes the default portlets and widgets of the DC (Delivery Challan) App.

    This section contains the Delivery Challan (DC) details like Item quantity, missing quantity, damaged quantity, delivered quantity, item list and shipper’s information with reference to the Sales Order.

    Field name Description
    Item Quantity Displays the quantity of items with reference to the Sales Order. This refers to the total number of units of a specific item that were ordered by the customer. It is the quantity that the seller is expected to deliver according to the purchase order or sales agreement.
    Delivered Quantity Displays the total quantity of items for which Delivery Challan is created. This refers to the number of units of a specific item that were actually delivered to the customer. In an ideal situation, the delivered quantity should match the item quantity.
    Missing Quantity Displays total quantity of items missing. It refers to the difference between the expected quantity of a product or item and the actual quantity that is present or accounted for.
    Damaged Quantity Displays quantity of a specific item that were delivered to the customer in a damaged or unsalable condition. It refers to the portion of a product or item that has been compromised or rendered unusable due to damage or defects.

    DC details (Delivery Challan details)

    A Delivery Challan is a document that accompanies a shipment of goods, providing details about the items included in the delivery. Here’s a brief explanation of some key details found on a delivery challan like due date, LoB segment, DC date.

    Field name Description
    DC date Displays the date on which the delivery challan is issued. It indicates when the shipment was prepared and dispatched by the seller.
    LoB name System shows LoB segment of the customer. This refers to the specific industry or segment of the seller’s business associated with the shipment
    Created by Name of the user who created the Delivery Challan for the order
    Due date The due date indicates when the shipment is expected to arrive at the buyer’s location. It helps the buyer to plan for the receipt of goods and manage their inventory accordingly.


    This section contains details about the items that are returned, which means that the item was returned back to the person who has shipped the product.

    Field name Description
    Item name Item name refers to the name or title of a product, service, or item that is being offered for sale or purchase. It is typically used to describe the product or item in a concise and clear manner, so that customers can easily understand what it is and what it does.
    SKU Displays SKU code of the item. A SKU, which stands for Stock Keeping Unit, is a unique identifier for each of the products that makes it easier to track inventory
    Quantity Quantity refers to the numerical value that represents the number of items, products, or units that are being purchased or sold in a transaction. It is the total number of units of a product or service that a customer is ordering or a seller is providing.

    Address Details

    Field name Description
    Delivery address Delivery Address refers to the physical location where a package or item is intended to be delivered. It typically includes the recipient’s name, street address, apartment or unit number (if applicable), city, state or province, zip or postal code, and country
    Ship from Ship from refers to the location or origin from where a product or package is being shipped or sent to its destination. It is the physical address or location where the product is being dispatched from

    Order details

    Order details provide information about the customer’s purchase like order number, order date and order quantity

    Field name Description
    Order number Order number is displayed. A unique identifier assigned to the customer’s order. It helps both the buyer and the seller to track and manage the order throughout the fulfillment process.
    Date The date on which the customer placed the order. It is important for tracking purposes and helps to determine the expected delivery timeline.
    Order Quantity Displays the total number of units of each item ordered by the customer

    Invoice Details 

    Contains Invoice number, invoice date, invoice quantity, Total amount of the invoice, Paid Amount of the invoice, Pending amount like how much amount is pending on this particular invoice.

    Field name Description
    Invoice no. A unique number is assigned to the invoice to help both buyers and sellers track and manage billing processes.
    Invoice qty The invoice should match the order quantity and delivered quantity, unless adjustments have been made due to missing or damaged items.
    Invoice date The invoice date is used to determine the payment due date or calculate late penalties, depending on the company’s billing practices.
    Total amount Total amount of the order on the invoice. The invoice includes the cost, taxes, discounts, and shipping/handling fees for the goods and services.
    Ref no. Reference number of the invoice. A reference number on the invoice helps to track and identify easily

    Shipper Details

    This section contains about the shipper and shipment information

    Field name Description
    Shipper name Displays name of the shipper. A person or a company that transports or receives goods
    Shipper Ref no Reference number of the shipper for quick identification
    Contact no. Phone number of the shipper for contact purpose
    Due date The due date is displayed which indicates when the shipment is expected to arrive at the buyer’s location.
    LR number Load receipt number is displayed. The transporter makes this Load receipt once the material is loaded on the vehicle for delivery
    LR Date Date when the Load receipt of the shipment is created
    Ref no. Reference number of the order. A reference number of the order helps to track and identify easily
    Ref date Reference date of the order. A reference date of the order helps to quick identification
    Shipper Contact Person Contact person’s name of the shipment

    Activity Log provide users with essential information, notifications, and real-time updates to keep them engaged and informed about key activities in apps related to updates, notifications, and stage changes.

    Comments User can comment or write short notes about the DC
    Created Date Date when the DC is created
    Created By Name of the person who created the DC of the order
    Last Updated Date Last stage changed of the order
    Last updated by Name of the user who last updated the stage
    Status Displays the current status of the DC
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.


    A report is a document that presents information in an organized format for a specific audience and purpose. Although summaries of reports may be delivered orally, complete reports are almost always in the form of written documents. 

    1. Delivery Challan reports
    in Delivery Challan
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