Calendar Overview

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    Customers are pillars of any successful business. Building healthy relationships by emphasizing the needs of the customers will bring stable long-term customers into a business. This bond of the customer and associate relationship helps in endorsing the needs with strategic automation, saving time and taking quick appropriate decisions in closing a healthy deal.

    “BizGaze” favours an equal share of customer relationships and a stable customer ratio to the organization. A healthy stock and analysis of customer transaction features such as Sales Frequency and Customer Credit Health revert organizations with optimistic profits with beneficiary satisfaction.

    Stage WorkFlow

    Default stages of Customers App:

    Lead A potential prospect having a tendency to initiate a business opportunity by default goes to Lead stage
    Qualify The prospect provided with the basic details can be moved further to the qualified stage.
    Confirmed The prospect turns-on to become a customer/ partner/ vendor to the organization, further can move to the confirmed
    Rejected The customers’ basic details are not correct or the customers are removed from the organization.

    Portlets & widgets

    A layout view defined by the individual functionalities are called portlets and each functional data is designed and viewed as widgets.. The default portlets and widgets in “ Customer App” are as follows:

    Audit This widget provides post-verified user data.
    Avail Limit This widget provides the available limit for the customer.
    Clearance This widget provides a clearance amount yet to be confirmed by the manager
    Clearance Days invoice This widget providers clearance term(payment term) in days from the date of generating the invoice
    Credit Limit The widget provides the available credit limit for the customer.
    Contact Alias The alternate contact details
    Contacts The widget provides the details of the point of contact
    Address The widget provides the customer address list.
    Email The email ID of the customer
    URL Enter the URL for the organization.
    Phone The Land/Mobile number of the customer.
    Comments This widget allows the user to comment on any activity performed in the app.
    Stage List The track history for the stages.
    Task List The track history for the task.
    TimeLine This widget tracks all the activities within the app.


    1. Customer Master
    2. Customer Address
    in Calendar
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