Employee Overview

Article sections


    The growth of an organization completely depends on performance, tasks, targets and sales accomplished by an employee. The employee track record always puts forward the standards of the organization.

    Stage Workflow

    Default stages of the Employee app:

    Field name Description
    Pre Selection When a new user is created, by default will be assigned with Pre Selection Stage.
    Qualify Employees registered with valid and verified basic details
    Onboard Users with Active Login Credentials will be moved to Onboard stage.
    Probation Employee serving probation/Notice period
    Relieved Relieved/Inactive employee with the organization

    Portlets & Widgets

    In the layout view, a Portlet accurately represents each functionality, and its corresponding data is precisely viewed as a Widget. The following section includes the default portlets and widgets of the Employees App.

    Field name Description
    Cheque count Displays the total count of Employee Cheque Payments collected from the Customers. User can click on the hyperlink at the top right, which directs to “Cheque Link Report” module.
    Cash count Displays the total count of Employee Cash Payments collected from the Customers. User can click on the hyperlink at the top right, which directs to “Cash Link Report” module.
    Other Payment count Displays the total count of Employee other payments collected from the Customers like (NEFT, RTGS, Card etc.). User can click on the hyperlink at the top right, which directs to “Other Payments Link Report” module.


    It refers to a resource given for the employee to maximize the potential benefits and achieve desired outcomes of the Organization. User can set the Employee Leverage in terms of Percent so that it can be applicable for customers in Sales Process.

    Field name Description
    LoB Line of business segment of the employee is displayed. A Line of business segment is an area of operation in which a company has an established separate product line or industry in which the company operates.
    Percentage  Leverage percentage allotted for the employee is displayed

    This section contains the basic details of the employee like contact details, roles, Tags and family members details that are provided while creation of the employee.


    Code Displays an Employee code when registered with the email. An employee ID number code is a unique code assigned by employers to individual employees
    Phone Mobile number of the employee
    Manager Name of the manager assigned to the employee. A manager accomplishes department objectives by managing staff; planning and evaluating department activities.
    Date of Birth Displays date of birth of the employee
    Email Email Id of the employee assigned while creation is displayed
    PAN PAN number of the employee is displayed. Permanent Account Number is a ten-character alphanumeric identifier, issued in the form of a laminated “PAN card”, by the Indian Income Tax Department
    Date of joining Displays the joining date of the employee in the organization
    Designation The designation of the employee as what he does in the company is displayed
    Emergency contact Displays an alternate contact number of the employee in case of any emergency


    Tag enables grouping of different entities within a system (for example Zone wise grouping of customers) which can be defined by the organization based on the analytic reports they required.

    Field name Description
    LoB Line of business segment of the employee is displayed. A Line of business segment is an area of operation in which a company has an established separate product line or industry in which the company operates.
    Tag Tag assigned for the employee under LoB segment in the company.

    Profile Picture

    This section contains the Profile Picture of the Employee

    Image Profile picture provided while creation of employee is displayed


    This section contains roles associated to the employees. A Role refers to a job role. It is the position and the job title a team member or an employee holds. In this section specific roles are given to the followers, and also followers can be added in this section.

    Field name Description
    Designation Designation of the employee is displayed


    The followers represents as point of contact in the absence of actual salesperson. This section contains Followers details of the customer

    Field name Description
    Name Name of the follower added is displayed. The followers represents as point of contact in the absence of actual salesperson
    Designation Designation of the follower added is displayed

    Family Members

    This section contains employee’s family details. Organizations may require family members’ details for reasons such as emergency contact information, administering benefits and insurance, supporting work-life balance, providing employee assistance programs, conducting security clearance checks, and organizing family events or activities.

    Field name Description
    Family member name Name of the family member added
    Marital Status Marital status of the family member added, whether the person is married or not
    Relation type Relation between the employee and family member added
    Email Email id of the person added is displayed
    Date of Birth Date of birth of the person is displayed
    Mobile Number Mobile number of the family member


    This section contains customer documents like PAN card, address proofs, Aadhar card, Voter Id or identity images.

    Field name Description
    File Displays file/document name provided by the employee
    Type Document type/format is displayed whether it is JPEG, PNG or other
    Preview User can click on Preview to view the document
    Download User can download the employee document

    Employee Assets

    Assets are the company’s valuable item owned by a company or an employee. Business assets span many categories. They can be physical, tangible goods, such as vehicles, and etc.

    Item name Item name of the asset is displayed
    Serial number A unique serial number or code associated with the item for quick identification
    Assign Date Date assigned of the asset item provided
    Return date Return date of the asset
    Description Comments or description about the asset items


    This sections contains shift time details assigned to the employee. A shift in a company refers to a specific period or schedule during which employees are expected to work. Shift work is common in industries that require round-the-clock operations or extended hours of service.

    Field name Description
    Name Shift name assigned for the employee like Day shift or Night shift
    From time Start time of the shift period
    To time End time of the shift period


    This section contains the city name or location, the company’s branch where the employee is working. Businesses can have multiple branches at various locations. Users can assign multiple branches for employees so that they can Manage Operations & overseas day-to-day data within that Branch allotted.

    Field name Description
    Branch Branch name where the employee is working is displayed

    Manager Followers

    Employees added in manager followers can view the data irrespective of assigned manager for the employee based on the Role Hierarchy.

    Field name Description
    Name Name of the manager follower added is displayed. The followers represents as point of contact in the absence of actual salesperson
    Designation Designation of the manager follower added is displayed


    This section contains the address information of the employee like address name, city in which employee is located and GST details of the employee.

    Field name Description
    Address Employee address details are displayed. It refers to the residential address of an individual working for an organization.
    City City name of the employee
    Pin code Pin code of the address is displayed. Pin code, also known as Postal Index Number (PIN), is a unique code consisting of six digits that is used in India to identify specific geographic regions

    Employee payment method 

    Employee payment methods refer to the various ways an organization compensates its employees for their work. The chosen method depends on factors such as the company’s policies, industry standards, and local regulations.

    Field name Description
    Payment type Displays payment method allotted to the employee whether he is paid by cheque or deposit

    Employee Bank details

    This section contains information about the employee’s bank account provided while employee creation

    Field name Description
    Bank name Name of the bank account
    IFSC code IFSC code of the bank. An IFSC code (Indian Financial System Code) is an 11-digit alphanumeric code used to uniquely identify a specific bank branch within the Indian banking system.
    Branch name Branch name of the bank location. A bank branch is a physical location of a bank or financial institution where customers can access various banking services. It is essentially a local office or outlet that represents the bank in a specific area.
    Account type Employee’s bank account type is displayed whether it is a savings or current account
    Account number Account number of the bank account provided while employee creation

    Phone Number

    This section contains the contact phone number, phone number type and mobile number of the employee

    Field name Description
    Number type Displays phone number type like Personal, Office, Home, Others
    Phone type Type of phone like landline or mobile
    Mobile no Phone number of the employee is displayed

    Email ID

    This section consists of email details of the employee like email type and email address provided by the employee

    Field name Description
    Email type Type of email of the employee like Work or Personal is displayed
    Email Email address provided by the employee


    This section contains URL link of the employee. URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator and is the unique link that you would enter to navigate to a specific web page.

    Field name Description
    URL type URL type of the URL provided by the employee
    URL URL provided by the employee is displayed as Custom, Facebook, Google, or Twitter

    User Login

    This section provides whether the employee is registered or not

    Field name Description
    User Login The widget provides the details of login access status

    Security & Email

    This section contains details about the employees’ registered Email and Phone number

    Field name Description
    Email Displays registered email Id of the employee
    Phone Mobile number of the employee registered while creation is displayed

    GPS Enable

    GPS enable


    The widget shows the details of GPS access and its status whether it is enabled or not.

    Employee Provident Fund

    Field name Description
    Provident fund no Employee’s provident fund number is displayed. It is an account number allotted to the employees which can be used to check the status of EPF and available balance in the account
    UAN number Universal Account Number or UAN is a 12-digit identification number, which both employee and your employer are assigned, under which both can contribute to the EPF

    Employee Pay Slip Details

    A Pay slip is a document that details an employee’s earnings and deductions for a specific pay period. This section contains employees’ Pay slip details.

    Employee Salary Details 

    An employee’s salary is the amount of money they receive in exchange for their work. It is typically expressed as an annual or monthly figure, and includes both base pay and any additional benefits or bonuses they may be eligible for.

    Professional Tax

    Professional tax is a tax that is levied by the state government and applies to income an employee earns through employment.

    Field name Description
    Professional tax Displays employee’s Professional Tax status whether it is enabled or not. Professional tax is a tax that is levied by the state government and applies to income an employee earns through employment.

    This section contains details about leaves and Leave Balances of the employee

    Field name Description
    Leave Applications Displays number of Leave Applications of an employee
    Leave Balances Displays number of remaining Leaves available for an employee

    Manual Leave Balance

    This section contains details about leave type and leaves Available for the employee

    Field name Description
    Leave Type Displays leave type like casual leave, sick leave or privilege leave
    Available Leaves Displays number of available leaves for the employee
    Reason Displays employees reason for leave

    Activity Log

    Activity Log provide users with essential information, notifications, and real-time updates to keep them engaged and informed about key activities in apps related to updates, notifications, and stage changes.

    Field name Description
    Comments User can write short notes or comments about the employee
    Created Date Date when the employee is created
    Created By User’s name who created the employee
    Last updated date Last stage changed of the employee
    Last Updated by User’s name who last updated the stage
    Status Displays current status of the employee
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app


    A report is a document that presents information in an organized format for a specific audience and purpose. Although summaries of reports may be delivered orally, complete reports are almost always in the form of written documents

    1. Employee Master Data.
    in Employees
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