Price Code Rules Update

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    Edit an existing Price Code Rule details

    The update process of the Price Code Rules is as follows:

    Navigation : Menu > Settings > Search for the Price Code Rules App > Listview > Select the Price Code Rule > Edit (Pencil Icon) 

    If user wants to update the already existing Price Code Rule details, user needs to click on ‘Edit’ option at the top right corner and fill in the required details.

    Edit Price Code Rules

    Field name Description
    Rule Name The system automatically shows the Price Code Rule name; if user wants to change it, enter the new name for the Price Code Rule
    Series The system by default takes series as Price Code Rules
    LoB The system automatically shows the LoB segment of the Price Code Rule name; if user wants to change it, select the Line of Business segment from the drop-down list
    Price Code The system automatically shows the Price Code name; if user wants to change it, select the Price Code name from the drop-down list
    Advance Price Code The system automatically shows the Advance Price Code name; if user wants to change it, select the Advance Price Code name from the drop-down list
    Priority The system automatically shows the priority of the Price Code Rule; if user wants to change it, set the priority of the rule from the drop-down list as High, Low or Medium
    Branches The system automatically shows the branch name(s) of the Price Code Rule name; if user wants to change it, select the Branches from the drop-down list to apply the rule
    Currency The system automatically shows the currency of the Price Code Rule name; if user wants to change it, select the currency name of the rule
    Description User can comment or enter short notes about the rule

    Apply the required changes and click on Save.

    Updates in Details Portlet 

    Edit Rule Tag Details

    The process to update Rule Tag Details is as follows:

    Navigation : Menu > Settings > Search for the Price Code Rules App > Listview > Select the Price Code Rule > Details Portlet > Rule Tag Details Widget > Edit (Pencil icon)

    User can click on “Pencil Icon” button in Rule Tag Details Widget to add new Tags & it shows the labels of included and Excluded Tags. User can select by clicking on the checkbox beside the Tags to Include and Exclude customer Tags.

    By default the system displays the Included and Excluded customer Tags; if user wants to update already existing Tags, click on the checkbox beside the Tags to include and Exclude the customer Tags.

    Edit Tags  

    Field name Description
    Included Tags The system automatically shows the customer Tags that are Included; if user wants to change it, select the LoB by clicking on the checkbox and LoB Tags from the list to Include the Tags.
    Excluded Tags The system automatically shows the customer Tags that are Excluded (Not included); if user wants to change it, select the LoB by clicking on the checkbox and LoB Tags from the list to Exclude the Tags.

    Apply the required changes and click on Save.

    To Exclude Contacts

    Navigation : Menu > Settings > Search for the Price Code Rules App > Listview > Select the Price Code Rule > Details Portlet > Included Contacts Widget

    User can click on the ‘Exclude’ option beside the contact name to exclude the contact

    To Include Contacts

    Navigation : Menu > Settings > Search for the Price Code Rules App > Listview > Select the Price Code Rule > Details Portlet > Excluded Contacts Widget

    User can click on the ‘Include’ option beside the contact name to Include the contact

    in Price Code Rules
    Table of Contents