Payment Term Rules Creation

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    The creation process of the Payment Term Rules is as follows:

    Navigation : Menu > Settings > Search for the Payment Term Rules App > Listview > Create (+)  

    Create Payment Term Rules

    Field name Description Mandatory
    Rule Name Enter the Payment Term Rule name Yes
    Series The system by default takes series as Payment Term Rules Yes
    Payment Term Select the Payment term from the drop-down list Yes
    Priority Set the priority of the rule from the drop-down list Yes
    LoB Select the Line of Business segment(s) from the drop-down list Yes
    Branches Select the Branches from the drop-down list No
    Description User can comment or enter short notes about the rule No
    LoB Tags Select the LoB tags to include, by clicking on the checkbox

    Apply all the details and click on Save.

    in Payment Term Rules
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