The process to Edit Purchase Opportunity Creation By settings is as follows:
Navigation: Menu > Master Configurations > Search the Opportunity Creation By App > Listview > Select the Purchase Opportunity Creation By > Edit (Pencil Icon)
If user wants to update the existing Purchase Opportunity Creation By Settings, user needs to click on ‘Edit (Pencil Icon)’ option at the right corner and fill in the required details
Purchase Opportunity Creation By
Select an option from the below to assign the Setting value to the Purchase Opportunity Creation By
Field Name | Description |
Quantity | If the user wants to maintain the Opportunity Creation By setting based on the Item Quantity, click on the ‘Quantity’ option to apply |
Value | If the user wants to maintain the Opportunity Creation By setting based on the Item Value, click on the ‘Value’ option to apply |
Quantity & Value | If the user wants to maintain the Opportunity Creation By setting based on the Item Quantity and Value, click on the ‘Quantity & Value’ option to apply |
The selected option will turn into ‘Green Color’ and click on Save