Templates Overview

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    Templates are used to define the layout and formatting of printed documents, such as invoices, purchase orders, etc. Print templates allow organizations to customize the appearance and content of these documents to align with their branding, compliance requirements, or specific business needs.

    BizGaze’s “Templates App” can ease the workload and make users feel less stressed. At the same time, they increase efficiency. Print templates in system facilitate standardized document generation, enhance professionalism, and ensure accurate and visually appealing printed materials within the organization.

    Stage Workflow

    Active The Template is currently in use and valid
    Inactive The stage where Template is not currently in use
    Deleted The Template has been permanently removed or discontinued.

    Portlets & Widgets

    In the layout view, a Portlet accurately represents each functionality, and its corresponding data is precisely viewed as a Widget. The following section includes the default portlets and widgets of the Templates App.


    This widget contains basic details about the Template and Template provider

    Field name Description
    Code Short name or system generated unique code of the template
    Provider Name Name of the template provider is displayed. A template provider offers pre-designed templates or frameworks that can be used as a starting point for creating various types of documents, designs, or digital assets
    Template Name Name of the Template is displayed. Templates are used to define the layout and formatting of printed documents, such as invoices, purchase orders, etc.

    Template Copies

    Template copies refer to duplicate or replicated versions of a template, which serve as additional instances of the original template. This widget contains the Template copy name of the Template.

    Template Text

    Template text refers to predefined or standardized text content that serves as a framework for creating various documents, messages, or communications.

    This widget contains the standardized text which will be displayed with the Template.

    Activity Log provide users with essential information, notifications, and real-time updates to keep them engaged and informed about key activities in apps related to updates, notifications, and stage changes.

    Field name Description
    Comments User can write short notes or comments about the Template
    Created Date The date when the Template is created
    Created By The name of the person who created the Template
    Last Updated Date The last stage changed of the Template
    Last Updated By The name of the person who last updated the stage
    Status Displays the current status of the Template
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.


    A report is a document that presents information in an organized format for a specific audience and purpose. Although summaries of reports may be delivered orally, complete reports are almost always in the form of written documents.

    1. Template Masters
    in Templates
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