Tax Managers Update

Article sections

    The update process of already existing Tax Manager (Tax Group) details

    Navigation: Menu > Tax Manager App > Tax Group Listview > Edit (Pencil Icon) 

    If user wants to update the already existing Tax Manager details, user needs to click on ‘Edit’ option at the top right corner and fill in the required details.

    Edit Tax Group

    Field Name Description
    Tax Group Name By default the system shows the name of the Tax Group; if user wants to change it, enter a new name for the tax group
    Series The system by default takes series as Tax Manager
    Tax Rate By default the system shows the tax rate of the Tax Group; if user wants to change it, enter the tax rate value in percentage (%)
    Reverse Group By default the system shows the reverse group name of the Tax Group; if user wants to change it, select the reverse group from the drop-down list
    Display Text By default the system shows the display text of the Tax Group; if user wants to change it, enter a text to be displayed on the invoice
    Display % By default the system shows the display percentage of the Tax Group; if user wants to change it, enter the percentage to be displayed on the invoice
    TCS By default the system shows the whether the TCS is applied or not; if user wants to change it, click on circle box to apply or remove the TCS. Circle box turns to blue in color when selected
    TDS By default the system shows whether the TDS is applied or not; if user wants to change it, click on circle box to apply or remove the TDS. Circle box turns to blue in color when selected
    Applied on By default the system shows the whether the Tax Group is applicable to sales or purchase; if user wants to change it, select an option from sales or purchase
    Description Enter short notes or comments about the tax manager

    Tax Details

    Field Name Description
    Tax Code By default the system shows the tax code assigned to the Tax Group; if user wants to change it, select a Tax code from the drop-down list
    Rate By default the system shows the tax rate of the Tax Group; if user wants to change it, enter the tax rate value in percentage (%)
    Display Text By default the system shows the display text of the Tax Group; if user wants to change it, enter a text to be displayed on the invoice
    Display Percent By default the system shows the display percentage of the Tax Group; if user wants to change it, enter the percentage to be displayed on the invoice
    Add Tax Codes User can add multiple Tax Codes by clicking on ‘Add Tax Codes’

    Apply all the required changes and click on Save.

    in Tax Managers
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