Freight Creation

Article sections


    The creation process for customers consists of two types:

    1. Company
    2. Individual

    Navigation: Menu > Customer App > ListView > Creation Page



    Star marked fields are mandatory fields

    Filed Name Field Description Mandatory Field
    Customer Details
    Company The authorized employee working under a registered firm.
    Individual If the person is a one time/Walk-In can be considered as an individual customer.
    Company Details
    Company Name Enter the name of the company. Yes
    Phone Type Select the phone type from the list. Yes
    Number Enter the number. Yes
    Company Email Enter the company email ID No
    Contact Person Details
    Contact Person Name Enter the contact person name of the organization. Yes
    Designation Select the designation for the contact person from the list. Yes
    Contact Number Enter the contact person Mobile number.

    Verify: If users click on verify, the OTP will be sent to the given contact mobile number.

    Branch Select the branch of the contact from the list Yes
    Email Enter the contact person email ID No
    Address Details
    Address Name Enter a quick identification name for the address. Yes
    Pin Code Enter the pincode of the address. No
    Address Line 1 & 2: Enter the address details. Yes
    City Select the city from the list to the address. Yes
    Landmark Enter the landmark for the address to quickly identify. No
    GSTIN Enter the GSTIN number of the company Yes
    Capture GPS Coordinates  Using mobile, the users can capture the exact location of the customers by enabling capture this location checkbox. Yes

    LOB Tag:

    By clicking on LOB Tag, the user can view the respective tags of the LOB and select the Tag for the customer.

    Image Url:

    Select the Image of the organization from the local storage.

    Credit Limit:

    Credit Limit Type:


    The system automatically set the credit limit for the customer based on their tag assigned.


    By clicking on the manual, the user can set the credit limit for the customer.

    GST Details

    GST Number: The user can enter the GST number of the Organization.


    Description: Enter the short notes about customers.


    Apply all the required details and click on save to save the details.

    in Freight
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