Attendance Listview

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    Listview empowers users by providing an array of viewing options to navigate through available lists according to their specific needs. It enables users to conveniently switch and view the selected type, thereby enhancing their user experience.

    Field name Description
    List view Users can select the required view from the drop-down list to view the details.
    Search Users can search for the required details.
    Filter When users click on filter users can view the stages list, and select the required stage to view the details under the respective stage.
    Create (+) By clicking on creating users can create a new Attendance cycle.
    Dots By clicking on dots users can view the option of Permissions, Notifications and Series.
    Stage name Users can view the available stages in the app.
    Get count By clicking on getting count, the user can view the no of record counts.
    Emp. code Employee short name code or serial number
    Name Name of an employee
    Check In time Reporting time recorded at checking in
    Check out time Time recorded at the moment of checking out.
    Hours Duration between check-in and check-out time
    Date Date when an employee’s attendance is recorded
    in Attendance
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