Biddings Creation

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    Creation process of a Bid

    The creation process for Biddings

    Navigation: Menu > Biddings App > Biddings Listview > Create Bid 

    The fields which are in star mark are mandatory

    Create Bid 

    Organization Select name of the organization from the drop-down list or user can create a new organization by clicking on ‘Create New’ option, which directs you to Vendors creation page

    Field name Description Mandatory
    Org Contact Select contact person name of the Organization from the list Yes
    Company Select name of the company from the list Yes
    Series Select series as Purchase planning  from the list Yes
    LoB Select LoB segment from the list for the Purchase planning Yes
    Sales Person Select sales  person name of the organization Yes
    User can click on ‘More options’ to apply Advanced Options
    Bill From Select ‘Bill From’ address from the list Yes
    Ship From Select ‘Ship From’ address from the list Yes
    Ship To Select ‘Ship To’ address from the list Yes
    Bill To Select ‘Bill To’ address from the list Yes
    Consultant Select consultant name of the organization No
    Tax type Select from the list of Tax types whether Tax is exclusive or Inclusive No

    Vendor’s Credit Health 

    Field name Description
    Credit Limit Credit Limit given to the vendor without Approval by Concerned Manager
    Avail Limit Available Credit Limit is shown here, If the credit crosses the limit, it will show as negative (-) balance.
    Over Due If the Amount to be paid crosses payment term duration, it will show as Over Due.
    Due Total Invoice Amount to be paid by the vendor.
    Credits The Credit amount available for the vendor.
    Clearance Amount given by the vendor but not confirmed by the Accounts Department and Cheques deposited in banks but not confirmed by the banks waiting for Clearance.

    Purchase Frequency

    Field name Description
    Average Days Between Last Five Invoices This section shows the average time period of last five invoices.
    Average Days Between Last Five Payments This section shows the average time period of last five payments.
    Returned Cheques From Past 6 Months This section shows the returned Cheques of last 6 months.
    Average Amount of Last Five Invoices This section shows the average amount of last five invoices.
    Average Amount of Last Five Payments This section shows the average amount last five payments.
    Average Clearance Days of Invoices This section shows the average clearance days of Invoices.

    Item Details
    Item Name The name of the order item.
    SKU The SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) code for the item.

    The price of the item per Liters, Kilograms, etc.,

    Click on price and users can view the price options.

    Unit Price: The price of the item.

    Discount: The discount in value or percentage

    Description: Enter any information required on an item

    Exchange: Enable “Exchange” to exchange the item

    Avail The available stock quantity

    Check Out:  Click “Check out” to view the cart details
    Cart Details
    Total Items The total items count for the order
    Total Quantity The total quantity counts for the order
    Item Details List Users can view all the details of the order items
    Continue Shopping: Click “Continue Shopping” to add items into the cart.
    PO Date Select the purchase order (PO) date from the calendar
    Ref No Enter a Reference number for the Purchase Order
    Payment Term Select a payment term for the order from the list.
    Delivery date Select delivery date from the calendar.
    Payment type Select the payment type for transactions from the list.
    Tax type Select whether the order is inclusive / exclusive of Tax.
    Price Details: System automatically calculates the Price details of the order items
    Gross Amount The gross amount includes all the charges, fees, taxes, and other costs associated with the transaction
    Discount The discount amount offered on the order items is automatically loaded
    Assbl. Amount The assessed amount for the order is displayed. It is the monetary value of a product, service, or transaction that is subject to taxation
    Total Tax The total tax amounts applied on the order items
    Net Total The total amount for the order. It is the final amount that remains after all deductions, discounts, taxes, and other charges have been subtracted from the Gross Amount.
    Description User can Comment or enter short notes

    Apply all the details and click on “Save”.

    in Biddings
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