Branches Widgets

Article sections


    This section contains the basic details about transaction details and payments details of the branch

    Field name Description
    Credit Limit Credit Limit given by the vendor to the Customer without Approval by Concerned Manager
    Avail Limit Available Credit Limit is shown here, If the credit crosses the limit, it will show as negative (-) balance
    Due Total Invoice Amount to be paid by the Customer
    Over Due If the Amount to be paid crosses payment term duration, it will show as Over Due.
    Clearance Amount given by the customer but not confirmed by the Accounts Department and Cheques deposited in banks but not confirmed by the banks waiting for Clearance.
    Credits Customer Obtaining the goods or services before the payment and payment is done in the future.


    Field name Description
    Pending Orders Orders which are not yet confirmed are shown in this section.

    These are partially placed orders which are waiting / pending final confirmation.

    Pending payments Pending payments are transactions that haven’t been fully processed yet and are due.
    Pending Invoice The pending invoice is that invoice has not been paid and is not yet past due. Invoices that attempt collection with the account’s billing information will immediately move the invoice to a Paid or Past Due state, depending on the transaction result.
    Ledger report The ledger report contains all the account details, including every transaction detail going in and out of the accounts.
    Campaign Summary  A campaign summary is a period in which rewards and offers are gained during the campaign period.
    Description This section shows the short notes about the accounts details.


    This section contains details of the organization

    Field name Description
    Org name Displays company name
    Spoc name Displays salesperson name (Single point of contact)
    CIN CIN code of the company is displayed. CIN code is the Corporate Identification number allotted to all registered companies under ROC
    PAN no. Registered PAN number linked with the company is displayed

    Manual Rules :

    A manual price override is a feature of a business management system which allows an authorized person to change the automated price of a product or service, in order to apply a discount.

    Click on CREATE to over ride manual payment and price code.

    Manual Payment and Price code

    Field name Description
    LoB Select the Line of Business (LoB) segment of the company
    Manual payment term over ride Company offers a feature to offer discounts or offers when payment is made in term period to specific customers
    Manual Price code Over ride Company offers a feature to offer discounts on orders (tag wise) to specific customers
    Sales Manager This section shows the details of the sales manager and contact information.
    LoB wise tags This section consists of the details of type of business, tags for the dealer.

    Click on CREATE (+) and select LoB tags by clicking the checkboxes accordingly.

    Documents This section contains the files or documents of the branch

    Click on Add (+)  to upload files from the local storage.




    The followers are those who follow what the leader in its sector does. A sales manager or an owner have the access to get details of the customers data.  Adding the account managers to the followers  will give an access in LoB.
    Click on Create (+) and select from the list to add followers to the manager.

    Organization Group

    This section consists of name of the organization and CIN number of the organization. It allows user to edit name of the Organization and stage.

    Click on CREATE to add or edit Organization group details

    Field name Description
    Group Select required group the company belongs to.
    Stage Current stage of the branch
    CIN Enter CIN code of the company. CIN is the Corporate Identification number allotted to all registered companies under ROC


    This section contains all the address details of the customer. Customer can have primary address or multiple addresses.  By clicking on the create option editing of GST details and GEO tagging feature is also available which captures the customers address and helps in tracking sales person.

    Contact Point

    This section contains Owners details of the company. Click on EDIT option and add contact name, number, branch and designation of the branch.

    Click on CREATE to add and enter the details required.

    Widget name Description
    Contact name Enter contact name of the person from branch
    Contact number Enter contact number of the person
    Designation Enter designation in their branch company
    Email Enter mail id of the branch
    Branch Select branch type or branch location from the list

    GSTIN Details

    This section contains GSTIN details of the branch.

    Click on CREATE (+) to add GST details and enter the details required.

    Create GSTIN

    Field name Description
    GSTIN no. Enter GSTIN number
    GST valid from date Select start date of the validity from the calender
    GST valid to date Select expiry date of GST from the calender


    This section contains the address details of the company’s branch

    Click on CREATE to add address details and enter required details

    Address Details

    Field name Description
    Address name Enter a quick identification name for the address.
    Pin code Enter pin code of the address.
    Address line 1 Enter details of the address line 1
    Address line 2 Enter details of the address line 2
    City Select city from the list of the address.
    Landmark Enter landmark for the address to quickly identify
    GSTIN no. Select GSTIN number of the company’s branch
    Is cash customer? Click on the toggle if user is a cash customer. Toggle turns to green in colour. A cash customer is someone who pays for goods or services using cash rather than credit or debit cards, checks, or any other form of non-cash payment.
    Capture GPS coordinates Click on circle box to allow capture of GPS coordinates for tracking purposes

    Click on SAVE and address details are added.


    This section contains contact phone number of the branch.

    Click on CREATE to add Phone number and  type of phone number

    Field name Description
    Number type Select type of phone number of the partner from list
    Phone type Select type of phone like landline or mobile from list
    Mobile no Enter mobile number of the branch

    Click on SAVE and the phone details are added.

    Email ID

    This section consists of email details of the company’s branch

    Click on CREATE to add the Email ID of the customer and type of Email (work or Personal)

    Field name Description
    Email type Select type of email of the branch like work or personal
    Email Enter email address of the company’s branch

    Click on SAVE and the Email details are added.


    This section contains URL link details

    Click on CREATE to add the URL and type of URL

    Field name Description
    URL type Select type of URL from the list
    URL Enter URL link details of the branch


    Comments Displays brief description about branch
    Created Date Displays creation date of the branch
    Created By User’s name who created the branch
    Last Updated Date Last stage changed of the company’s branch
    Last updated by User’s name who updated the stage
    Status Current status of the branch
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.
    in Branches
    Table of Contents