Customers Overview

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    Customers are pillars of any successful business. Building healthy relationships by emphasizing their needs will bring stable and long-term customers into the business. This relationship helps endorse the needs with strategic automation, saving time, and taking appropriate decisions in closing a healthy deal.

    “BizGaze” favors an equal share of customer relationships and an organization’s stable customer ratio. A healthy stock and analysis of transaction features such as Sales Frequency and Credit Health revert organizations to optimistic profits and beneficiary satisfaction.

    Stage Workflow

    Stage Name Description
    Lead A potential prospect having a tendency to initiate a business opportunity, after creation by default goes to Lead stage
    Qualify The details provided by the Lead Customer are verified by the organization, once the criteria met can be moved further to the confirmed
    Confirmed The prospect turns-on to become a customer/ partner/ vendor to the organization, further can move to the confirmed
    Rejected The customer’s basic details are not correct or the customers are removed from the organization
    Portlets & Widgets

    In the layout view, a Portlet accurately represents each functionality, and its corresponding data is precisely viewed as a Widget. The following section includes the default portlets and widgets of the Customers App.

    Credit Limit

    Customer’s credit limit amount is displayed. It is the maximum amount of credit that a customer is willing to extend for the purchase of goods or services is known as credit limit.

    By default system will show credit limit of the customer based on Automated Credit Rules configured or user can enter the Credit Limit manually

    Avail Limit

    Available Credit Limit amount of the customer is shown here.

    If the credit limit exceeds, amount is shown as negative (-) balance

    Credits Displays amount of the Returns, Credit Notes & wallets created for the customer. User can click on the hyperlink at the top right, which displays detailed data of customer’s credits and advance receipts
    Due Amount due by the customer is displayed. Due is an outstanding amount of balance unpaid for an invoice/bill for goods or services rendered by the customer. User can click on the hyperlink at the top right, which displays detailed data of customer’s dues
    Over Due Overdue is the amount that is not paid, even though it is later than the date on which amount should have been paid. Penalties/Interest can be applied based on the Overdue Amount for the Customer. User can click on the hyperlink at the top right, which displays detailed data of customer’s overdues
    Clearance The amount for which the receipts were created but not yet confirmed. User can click on the hyperlink at the top right, which displays detailed data of customer’s clearances

    Ledger Report

    The ledger report contains the account details like Ledger name, ledger group, (Opening balance) OB date, Closing balance including every transaction detail going in and out of the accounts.

    Field name Description
    Ledger name Ledger account name of the company is displayed
    Ledger group Ledger group name of the ledger account
    OB date Opening balance date (OB date) of the ledger account
    Opening bal. Displays Opening balance amount of the ledger account
    Closing bal. Closing balance amount of the ledger account


    Value Total value of the order amount is displayed
    Purchase qty Displays total purchase orders quantity
    Discount amount Total discount applied to the order quantity


    Field name Description
    Pending payments Pending payments of a customer represent outstanding or unpaid amounts owed to a business or organization, which need to be settled for both parties to fulfill their financial responsibilities
    Pending Orders Orders which were not Proceeded till completed stage are shown in this section. These are partially placed orders which are waiting for / pending final confirmation
    Pending Invoices The pending invoice has yet to be paid and is not past due. Invoices that attempt collection using the account’s billing information are immediately marked as Paid or Past Due, depending on the transaction’s outcome.
    Campaign Summary A campaign summary is a period in which rewards and offers are gained during the period
    Customer Tag collection Displays company’s Tag group name. Tag enables grouping of different entities within a system which can be defined by each organization based on the analytic reports required. (Ex: Zone wise grouping of customers)
    Opportunities Details of the opportunities are displayed. An opportunity allows a company to expand current operations, launch new offerings, and make a profit
    Estimates Estimate orders consists the items with a defined quoted price and negotiation is acceptable to close a deal

    Basic information about the organization can be found here.

    Field name Description
    Org name Displays organization name
    PAN no. PAN (Permanent account number) of the registered company is displayed
    CIN CIN number of the company is displayed. A CIN(Corporate Identification Number) is a unique number assigned to registered businesses by the Registrar of Companies at the time the certificate of incorporation is issued.
    Global CIN Global company identification numbers are specific to countries, similar to CINs.
    Contact name Point of contact person name which is assigned while creating Customer is displayed
    Organization Type Displays whether the organization type is Individual or Walk-In.

    LoB (Line of Business) 

    This section contains LoB (Line of Business segment) details of the customer and Tag details assigned to the customer. A business segment can be identified by the product(s) sold or services provided or by geographical locations that the company operates in.

    Field name Description
    LoB Line of Business segment tag assigned for the Customer.
    Tag LoB wise Tag of the organization. Tag enables grouping of different entities within a system which can be defined by each organization based on the analytic reports required. (Ex: Zone wise grouping of customers)


    A manual price override is a feature of a business management system which allows an authorized person to change the automated price of a product or service, in order to apply a discount.

    Field name Description
    LoB Line of Business (LoB) segment of the company
    Payment Term By default system will load payment term based on configured Payment Term rules. Payment term refers to Specific term of days or Period for which the Invoice due to be cleared. If the Payment Term Exceeds Penalties/Discount can be applied for Late & early Payments.
    Price Code Displays Price code name. Price codes allow you to define a price discount for items/SKUs in a specified offer or source code when consumers order a specified quantity.

    Sales Manager

    A sales manager is a professional responsible for overseeing, leading, and guiding a company’s sales team to achieve their sales objectives and plays a crucial role in the growth and success of a company by ensuring that products and services are sold effectively to customers.

    Sales manager details like LoB segment, Sales manager name, address name and contact person name assigned to the customer are displayed in this section

    Field name Description
    Lob Line of business segment tag assigned for the sales manager is displayed
    Address name Address name of the Sales manager is displayed (billing address)
    Sales person Sales manager name assigned for the customer while customer creation is displayed
    Contact person Point of contact person name which is assigned while creating Customer is displayed

    Organization Group

    This section comprises the Organization group name and the CIN number.

    Field name Description
    Group Organization group name will be displayed.
    CIN Displays CIN Number of the Organization. CIN is the Corporate Identification number allotted to all registered companies under ROC.

    GST Details

    This section contains GSTIN (Goods and Services Tax Identification Number) details of the customer like GST number, Validity period and address name. GST is a digitalized form of VAT where you can also track the goods & services.

    Field name Description
    GSTIN no. GSTIN number of the customer is displayed. GSTIN is a unique 15-digit identification number assigned to each registered taxpayer (primarily a dealer or supplier, but also any business entity) under the GST regime.
    GST valid from date Start date of the GST validity period. The GST registration certificate is valid from the date when the person became liable to GST registration if they submitted the registration application within thirty days from such liable date.
    GST valid to date Expiry date of GST validity period. The GST registration remains valid as long as it is not surrendered or cancelled.
    Address name Address name of the customer


    This section contains customer documents like PAN, Address proofs, Aadhar card, organization related files and images.


    The followers represents as point of contact in the absence of actual salesperson. This section contains Followers details of the customer

    Field name Description
    Name Name of the follower added is displayed. The followers represents as point of contact in the absence of actual salesperson
    Designation Designation of the follower added is displayed

    TCS contacts (Tax Collected at Source)

    Tax collection at source (TCS) is an extra amount collected as tax by a seller of specified goods from the buyer at the time of sale over and above the sale amount and is remitted to the government account.

    Tax Collected at Source (TCS) depends on the applicable TCS rules and rates of company’s turnover during a financial year. TCS is a tax levied on the sale of specific goods or services and collected by the seller from the buyer.

    Contact section contains the address details and contact information of the organization.

    Contact Point

    This section contains owner details of the customer/organization. User can click on Create to add contact information, designation of the customer.

    Field name Description
    Name Point of contact person’s name
    Designation Designation of the contact person in their company
    Phone number Phone Number of the Point of Contact Person
    Email Mail id of the customer is displayed


    This section contains the address information of the customer like address name, city in which company is located and GST details of the customer organization.

    Field name Description
    Address Billing address of the customer is displayed. Billing Address refers to the address where a customer receives their billing statements or invoices for goods or services they have purchased.
    City City name and pin code of the city address are displayed
    GSTIN GSTIN number of the customer is displayed

    Contact Alias

    “Contact alias” generally refers to an alternate name or label assigned to a contact in the address book, messaging app, or email client. It functions as a nickname or shorthand to help easily identify and manage contacts. Using a contact alias can be helpful for personalization, privacy, or organization purposes.

    Field name Description
    Alias name Displays alias name or other name of the point of contact customer
    Alias CIN Displays alias CIN of the point of contact customer

    Phone Number

    This section contains the contact phone number, phone number type and mobile number of the customer

    Field name Description
    Number type Displays phone number type like Personal, Office, Home, Others
    Phone type Type of phone like landline or mobile
    Mobile no Phone number of the customer is displayed

    Email ID

    This section consists of email details of the customer like email type and email address provided by the customer

    Field name Description
    Email type Type of email of the customer like Work or Personal is displayed
    Email Email address provided by the customer


    This section contains URL link of the customer. URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator and is the unique link that you would enter to navigate to a specific webpage.

    Field name Description
    URL type URL type of the URL provided by the customer
    URL URL provided by the customer is displayed as Custom, Facebook, Google, or Twitter

    Activity Log

    Activity Log provide users with essential information, notifications, and real-time updates to keep them engaged and informed about key activities in apps related to updates, notifications, and stage changes.

    Comments Comment or write short notes about the customer
    Created Date Date of creation of the customer
    Created By Name of the person who created customer
    Last Updated Date Last updated date of the customer
    Last updated by Name of the person who updated the stage
    Status Current status of the customer
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.


    A report is a document that presents information in an organized format for a specific audience and purpose. Although summaries of reports may be delivered orally, complete reports are almost always in the form of written documents

    1. Customer Master
    2. Customer Address
    in Customers
    Table of Contents