Debit Note Creation

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    Debit Note can be generated from 3 Apps

    1. Debit Note App

    2. Purchase Invoice App

    3. Offers App

    The creation process of the Debit Notes

    Debit Note App

    The creation process of Debit Notes from the Debit Notes app is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Debit Note App > List View > Create(+)

    Company Name Select the company name from the drop-down list. Yes

    Note: Star(*) marked fields are mandatory!

    Note: System automatically picks up the basic details!

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory
    Invoice Date Select Invoice Date from the calendar for the debit note. Yes
    Due Date Select due date from the calendar. Yes
    Series Select series from the drop-down list. Yes
    Ref Date Select reference date from the calendar for the debit note. No
    Ref No Enter reference number of your invoice for the debit note. No
    GST Number Enter GST number No
    Exclude From Campaign By changing the switch from red to green the invoice will be calculated in the campaign. No
    Billing and Shipping Details
    Bill To Select Bill To address from the down down list. Yes
    Bill From Select Bill From address from the down down list. Yes
    Waybill No User can enter the E-way bill no, its increase more than Rs. 50000/- No
    Ship To Select Ship To address from the list drop-down list. Yes
    Ship From Select Ship From address from the list drop-down list. Yes
    LoB Select Line of Business segment from the drop-down list Yes
    Sales Person Select Sales Person name from the drop-down list. Yes
    Payment Term Select Payment Term days from the drop-down list. Yes
    More Options By clicking on more options user can view the following details
    Payment Type: User can select the payments from the drop-down list in the order.
    Tax Type: User can select the tax type from the drop-down list to the order.

    Item Details
    Add items: Click adds items to select the items
    Select Select name of the item from the list. Yes
    Qty(Quantity) Enter number of items (quantity) to be returned Yes
    Unit Price Price of the item is automatically generated by the system or user can manually enter the value Yes
    Disc.(Discount) Select discount type from the drop-down and enter the value. No
    Add Discount Item: User can click Add discount item to select the items
    Select Select name of the item from the list. No
    Description Enter description for the item. No
    Value Enter value of the item. No
    Total Qty Total quantity of the items in the debit note
    Sub Total Value of the item on debit note
    Discount On Items Discount value given in the debit note
    Tax The value of taxes on total items
    Add Expense By clicking on add expense, user can view the following fields
    Select Expense: Select the expense name from the drop down list.
    Description: Enter description for the expense.
    Value: Enter value of the expense.
    Adjustment When a user enables the “Adjustment” checkbox, the system automatically adjusts the value to the nearest decimal. If the users click on the checkbox, users can manually enter the values
    Account Name (Ledger Name) Select account name from the list of the ledger account that the value has to be adjusted Yes
    Value Enter the adjusted value Yes

    Description Enter a short notes or comments for the debit note No
    TCS Applied User can click on the Toggle to apply the TCS (Tax Collected at source). The Toggle turns to green in color when enabled and red when disabled.
    Adjustment By tick mark the check box, the system automatically adjusts the amount to the decimal value or by Opting the check box user can enter manually.
    Account Name The user can select the account name from the dropdown list for the adjusted amount.

    Apply all the required details and click on save.

    Purchase Invoice App

    Navigation: Menu > Purchase Invoice App > List View > Select Record > More(Down Arrow) > Create Return

    The user needs to change the return quantity of the invoice and click on save.
    Offers App

    Navigation: Menu > Offers App > List View > Select the Campaign > Down Arrow > Finalize

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory
    Credit Note Item Select Item Name for the credit note from the list. Yes
    Credit Note Series Select credit note from the list, already created in the application Yes
    Credit Date Select credit note generated date from the calendar Yes
    Order Series Select order series from the list, already created in the application Yes
    Is Tax Inclusive: User can tick the check box, the tax is included for the credit note. No
    Point Value Enter value points for the campaign to generate a credit note Yes

    Finally, click on “Save.”

    in Debit Note
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