E-Invoice Update

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    The update process of e-Invoice is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > e-Invoice App > Listview > Select the e-Invoice > Edit (Pencil Icon)

    If user wants to update the already existing e-Invoice details, user needs to click on ‘Edit’ option at the top right corner and fill in the required details.

    Note: The basic details will load automatically with reference to the Sales Invoice

    Field name Field Description
    Invoice No. By default the system loads the Invoice number; if user wants to change it, select an Invoice number from the drop-down list
    GST Invoice Type By default the system loads the GST Invoice type; if user wants to change it, select an Invoice type from the drop-down list
    Is E-Waybill

    By default the system loads whether the Invoice is an e-waybill or not. If user wants to change it, click on the Toggle. Toggle turns to Green in color when enabled and Red when disabled.

    Note: When user enables the Toggle E-waybill fields are loaded, fill the details required

    E-waybill Details
    Transporter Doc Date By default the system loads the Transporter Document Date of the e-waybill; if user wants to change it, set a date from the calendar
    Transporter Doc No By default the system loads the Transporter number of the e-waybill; if user wants to change it, enter the transporter doc number in the field
    Transportation Details: Select a transportation type from the list as Vehicle, Transporter or Both and fill the details
    Part – B: If users selects ‘Vehicle’, enter the details of the vehicle in Part-B section below
    Vehicle Type By default the system loads the vehicle type of the transportation, if user wants to change it, select vehicle type from the list
    Transporter mode By default the system loads the mode of transportation, if user wants to change it, select mode of transport from the list
    Vehicle no By default the system loads the vehicle number, if user wants to change it, enter the vehicle number in the field
    Transporter: If users selects ‘Transporter’ option, enter the details of the Transporter
    Transporter name By default the system loads the transporter name, if user wants to change it, enter name of the transporter in the field
    Transporter GSTIN By default the system loads the transporter name, if user wants to change it, enter GSTIN number of the transporter
    Both: If user select ‘Both’ option, enter the details of Vehicle and Transporter in the fields

    Apply all the details and click on Checkout.

    in E-Invoice
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