Employees Creation

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    The process to create an Employee is as follows

    Navigation: Menu > Employees App > Listview> Create (+)  

    Note: Star(*) marked fields are mandatory!

    Create Employee 

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory
    Title Select the title/prefix of an  employee from the list. Yes
    First Name Enter the first name of the employee. Yes
    Last Name Enter the last name of the employee No
    Manager Name Select the reporting manager name for the employee from the list. Yes
    Designation Name Select the designation for an employee from the list. Yes
    Series Select the series from the list. Yes
    Image URL Upload the image of an employee. No
    Contact Details
    Phone Type Select the phone number, type of the employees from the list. Yes
    Mobile Number Enter number of an employee. Yes
    Verify Enter the verification Otp number sent to the provided mobile number. No
    Email Enter the email address of an employee. No
    URL Enter the Url of the employee, i.e.,  Employee portfolio. No
    PAN Card Enter the pan card detail of an employee No
    Date of Birth Select the date of birth of an employee from the calendar. No
    Date of Join Select the join date of an employee from the calendar. No
    Tags Click on tag checkbox details of an employee. Yes
    Address Details
    Add New Address By clicking on a new address users can view the creation screen.  
    Address Name Enter the quick identification name for the address. Yes
    Pin Code Enter the pin code of employee address No
    Address Line 1 Enter the address details. No
    Address Line 2 Enter the address details. No
    City Select the city name from the list. Yes
    Landmark Enter the landmark name for the address. No
    Capture GPS Coordinates Using mobile, the users can capture the exact location of the employee by enabling Capture this location checkbox. No

    Fill all the required details and click on save.

    in Employees
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