Items Overview

Article sections


    The production of a high volume is categorized and packed into small volumes called items. The item is followed by custom unique codes i.e. SKU, Series, Unit of measurement, etc.

    BizGaze’s “Items App” provides a systematic process of managing the items by multiple item groups, item warranty, item inventory, etc. Users can set up the item expiry date to an item to validate the production or availability of the item in the warehouse. 

    Stage Workflow

    Field name Description
    Active The item is available for purchase or use
    Not Purchasable The item is displayed but cannot be purchased or used at the moment
    Inactive The item is no longer available for purchase or use

    Portlets & Widgets

    In the layout view, a Portlet accurately represents each functionality, and its corresponding data is precisely viewed as a Widget. The following section includes the default portlets and widgets of the Items App.


    This section contains the details of the items and their specifications

    Field name Description
    Item Name Displays the name of the item. It refers to the name or description of a specific item or product that is being managed within the system. The item name is used to identify and differentiate between different products within the inventory
    SKU (Stock keeping Unit) Displays the Stock keeping Unit (SKU) code for product identification that identifies a product distinctly. Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) is a unique code used to identify each product stocked in a retail outlet for inventory and tracking purposes.
    LoB This section shows the LoB (Line of business) segment of the item. A business segment can be identified by the product(s) sold or services provided or by geographical locations that the company operates in.
    UOM Displays the measuring unit name of the item. The unit of measurement or the specific quantity in which the item is measured or sold. It could be units like pieces, kilograms, liters, meters, or any other relevant unit
    Product Name Displays the name of the product. Product Name refers to the specific name or designation given to the item. It provides a clear identification of the product or item, helping in inventory management, sales, and customer interactions.
    HSN Code Displays the HSN code of the product. HSN (Harmonized System of Nomenclature) Code is an internationally accepted code that classifies goods and products for taxation and customs purposes
    Pack Size Pack Size represents the quantity or number of items contained within a single pack or packaging unit.
    Pack Count Pack Count refers to the number of packs or packaging units of the item that are currently available or in stock. It represents the count of the packaged units rather than the individual items.

    Stock Details

    Stock Details refer to specific information related to the inventory or stock of goods or products held by a company or organization.

    Field name Description
    Branch Name The specific branch or location within the organization where the stock is located or associated with.
    Inward Inward refers to the movement of stock or goods coming into the inventory or stock location. It represents the receipt or addition of stock to the existing inventory.
    Outward Outward refers to the movement of stock or goods going out of the inventory or stock location. It represents the reduction or depletion of stock from the existing inventory.
    Balance Balance refers to the remaining quantity or value of stock after considering inward and outward transactions. It represents the current stock level available in the inventory or stock location.

    Item Dimensions

    This widget contains the dimension measurements of the items.

    Field name Description
    Item Length The length of the item is displayed
    Item Height The height of the item is displayed
    Item Width The width of the item is displayed
    Item Weight The weight of the item is displayed


    This section contains the images of the items in various view.


    This section contains all the details about the Tags associated with the items and products.


    This section contains the organization name of the items and products supplier.

    Item Specifications

    This widget contains the item specifications like color and type of the item

    Field name Description
    Specification Item Specification refers to the detailed description, features, characteristics, and requirements of a specific item or product
    Description Description about the item specification is displayed

    BOM Details

    A Bill of materials (BoM) Items are the individual components, parts, or materials listed in a bill of materials for the production of a specific finished product . this widget contains BOM Item details

    Field name Description
    Item Name Displays the name of the item. It refers to the name or description of a specific item or product that is being managed within the system. The item name is used to identify and differentiate between different products within the inventory
    Quantity Quantity refers to the numerical value that represents the number of items, products, or units that are being purchased or sold in a transaction. It is the total number of units of a product or service that a customer is ordering or a seller is providing.
    Is Flexible Qty? A flexible manufacturing system is a manufacturing concept that allows production to adapt when facing changes in its requirements. The system displays whether the item quantity is flexible or not.

     AR item settings

    Accounts receivable (AR) are the balance of money due to a firm for goods or services delivered or used but not yet paid for by the customers.

    Field name Description
    Include Automatic Order The system displays whether the automatic order is included or not. If auto order is included, it shows the quantity of automatic order
    Enable Minimum Quantity The system displays whether the minimum quantity to be ordered is enabled or not. If Minimum Quantity of the order is enabled, it shows the minimum order quantity
    Enable Maximum Quantity The system displays whether the maximum quantity to be ordered is enabled or not. If Maximum Quantity of the order is enabled, it shows the maximum order quantity

    General Settings

    General settings of an item refer to the configurable options or attributes that determine how the item is treated and used within a system or business process.

    Field name Description
    Saleable Saleable indicates whether the item is eligible for sale to customers. If an item is marked as saleable, it means it can be included in sales transactions and offered to customers for purchase.
    Purchasable Purchasable indicates whether the item can be procured or purchased from suppliers. If an item is marked as purchasable, it means it can be included in purchase orders and obtained from external sources.
    Discountable Discountable indicates whether the item is eligible for discounts or price reductions. If an item is marked as discountable, it can be subject to promotional offers, sales discounts, or negotiated pricing.
    Expendable Expendable indicates whether the item is considered consumable or disposable in nature. If an item is marked as expendable, it implies that it is expected to be used or consumed in the course of business operations and may not be tracked as a long-term asset.
    Enable MRP (Max Retail Price) Enable MRP refers to the option whether the maximum retail price (MRP) for the item is enabled or not. MRP is the maximum price at which a product can be sold to end consumers.

    Item Alias

    A product alias is another term or abbreviation that you can use to reference a product. It is usually a short name for an item.

    Field name Description
    Organization Displays the name of the organization
    Alias Item name It refers to an alternative or secondary name given to an item for identification or reference purposes. It is an additional name or label assigned to the item that can be used interchangeably with its primary or original name
    Alias SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) Alias SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) refers to an alternative or secondary SKU assigned to an item for inventory management and tracking purposes. A SKU is a unique identifier or code used to distinguish and track individual items within an inventory system

    Opening Balance (OB) and Price Details

    The amount of funds in an account at the beginning of a period, especially a month or a fiscal year is called as the opening balance.

    Field name Description
    Sales Price Displays the Sales Price allotted for an item. It refers to the monetary value at which an item is offered or sold to customers. It represents the price that customers are expected to pay when purchasing the item.
    Sales Description Displays the description about the item sales
    Purchase Price Displays the purchase price of the item. Purchase Price refers to the cost or price at which an item is acquired or purchased from suppliers or vendors. It represents the price that a business pays to procure the item for its inventory or resale purposes.
    Purchase Description Displays the description about the purchase items
    Opening Balance Quantity Opening Balance Quantity (OB Quantity) refers to the initial quantity or stock level of an item at the beginning of a specific accounting or reporting period. It represents the quantity of the item that is available in the inventory when the period starts, prior to any purchases, sales, or adjustments
    OB Date Displays the date of the Opening Balance (OB). OB Date refers to the specific date on which the Opening Balance Quantity is determined or recorded

    Batch Number Setting

    A batch number is a designation given to products made in the same manufacturing run. A batch number can consist of numerals, letters, or symbols, and it allows the items to be traced after they’ve been distributed.

    Field name Description
    Enable Batch No. Displays whether the Batch Number Settings applied to the item or not.

    Expiry Setting

    An expiration date is the last day that a product will be at its best quality, according to the manufacturer.

    Field name Description
    Expiry Tenure Displays the expiry tenure assigned for the item
    Expiry Tenure Type Displays the item’s expiry tenure type is calculated in days, months or years

    Inventory Negative Stocks

    The term negative inventory means that the inventory count says that the company have less than zero of an item.

    Field name Description
    Allow Negative Stock Displays whether the Inventory negative stock setting is allowed or not for an item
    Aging Displays the aging value of the item. Aging inventory is a term for goods that haven’t sold quickly or haven’t sold for their full retail price.
    Enable Inventory Displays whether the inventory setting is enabled or not.
    Refund Duration Displays the validity period (duration) of the refund process

    Item Account Details

    Item Account Details typically include accounts related to sales, purchases, returns, and any other relevant financial activities associated with the item. This widget contains the account details of the items.

    Field name Description
    Sales Account Displays the sales account name. Sales Account is a financial account that records the revenue generated from the sale of goods or services.
    Sales Return Account The name of the sales return account is displayed. Sales Return Account is a financial account that tracks the returns or refunds given to customers for goods or services previously sold
    Purchase Account The name of the purchase account is displayed. Purchase Account is a financial account that records the cost of acquiring goods or services for resale or for use within a business
    Purchase Return Account The name of the purchase return account is shown. Purchase Return Account is a financial account that tracks the returns or refunds received from suppliers for goods or services previously purchased.
    Credit Note The credit note created for the customer. A Credit Note is a document issued by a seller to a buyer, indicating that a credit amount has been applied to the buyer’s account. It is typically issued in situations such as sales returns, adjustments, or granting a credit to the buyer.
    Debit Note A Debit Note is a document issued by a buyer to a seller, indicating that a debit amount has been applied to the seller’s account.

    Serial Number

    A serial number is a unique identifier assigned incrementally or sequentially to an item, to uniquely identify it.

    This section contains the serial number and series and series type of the items.

    Serial number setting

    Field name Description
    LoB A business segment can be identified by the product(s) sold or services provided or by geographical locations that the company operates in
    Series Type The system displays series settings applied to the item whether the product comes with manufactures serial number or System generated bar code
    Stage Displays the stage of the serial number settings applied

    Item Warranty

    Item Warranty refers to a guarantee or assurance provided by the seller or manufacturer of an item to the buyer, promising to repair or replace the item if it experiences any defects or malfunctions within a specified period

    Field name Description
    Warranty Type Displays the warranty type settings applied to the item as Sales or Purchase. Warranty Type categorizes the specific terms and conditions of the warranty provided for an item.
    Tenure -Tenure Type Displays the tenure and tenure type  of the item. Tenure refers to the duration or length of time for which an item warranty is applicable. The Tenure Type settings determine how the tenure is measured or calculated. (Days, Months or Years)

    Scrap Value

    Salvage value or Scrap value is defined as the value of a fixed or physical asset at the end of its useful life. Scrap value is the value of the dismantled material.

    Field name Description
    Scrap Value The scrap value given to the item is displayed. Scrap value is the value of the dismantled material.

    Item Countries

    A Saleable product is one that customers will want to buy and the products that are available for purchase is called as purchasable items.

    This section contains the Saleable and Purchasable items details.

    Field name Description
    Sellable Displays the name of the countries where the item is saleable
    Purchasable Displays the countries names  from where the item is purchasable

    Activity Log provide users with essential information, notifications, and real-time updates to keep them engaged and informed about key activities in apps related to updates, notifications, and stage changes.

    Comments User can write short notes or comments about the items
    Created Date The date of creation item
    Created By The name of the person who created the item
    Last Updated Date The last stage changed date
    Last Updated By The name of the person who last updated the stage
    Status This section displays the current status of the item
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.


    A report is a document that presents information in an organized format for a specific audience and purpose. Although summaries of reports may be delivered orally, complete reports are almost always in the form of written documents.

    1. Items Data
    in Items
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