Items Update

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    The process to Edit the Item details is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Items App > Select the Item > Listview > Edit (Pencil Icon) 

    If user wants to update the already existing Item details, user needs to click on ‘Edit’ option at the top right corner and fill in the required details.

    Edit Item

    Field Name Field Description
    Product Name By default the system shows the name of the product; if user wants to change it, select the product name from the list
    Item Name By default the system shows the name of the item; if user wants to change it, enter the new name of the item
    SKU By default the system shows the SKU(Stock Keeping Unit) of the item; if user wants to change it, enter the new SKU Code of the item
    Upload By default the system shows the image of the item; if user wants to change it, select the image from the local storage and upload
    For Advanced Options, click on ‘More Options’
    Additional Info
    Short Code By default the system shows the short name of the item; if user wants to change it, enter the new short name (abbreviation) for the item
    Weight By default the system shows the weight of the item; if user wants to change it, enter the weight of the item to update
    PDS Link By default the system shows the PDS link of the item; if user wants to change it, enter the PDS link of the item for reference
    SKU Available By default the system shows the available SKU of the item; if user wants to change it, enter the new available SKU for the item
    Internal Name By default the system shows the internal name of the item; if user wants to change it, select the internal(alias) name of the item in the warehouse
    Is Loyalty Applicable By default the system shows whether the Loyalty option of the item is enabled or not; if user wants to change it, click on the toggle to enable/disable. The toggle turns to Green color when enabled and Red when disabled
    Multiple Pack

    By default the system shows whether the Multiple Pack option is enabled or not. If user wants to change it, click on the toggle. When a user enables “Multiple Pack”, the toggle turns to Green in color and provide the following details

    Piece Size: Enter the size of the item piece

    Piece Count: Enter the count of the item pieces

    OB Qty By default the system shows the OB(Opening Balance) quantity of the items; if user wants to change it, enter the OB quantity of the items
    OB Date By default the system shows the OB(Opening Balance) date of the items; if user wants to change it, select the OB date from the calendar
    Details URL By default the system shows the URL details of the item; if user wants to change it, enter the URL of the item for more details
    Advantages By default the system shows the advantages of the item; if user wants to change it, user can enter the advantages and benefits of the item
    Sales Settings: This option will enable the item to be marked as sellable and it will be made available as a sales offering item
    Sales Price By default the system shows the Sale Price of the item; if user wants to change it, enter the selling price of the product
    Sales A/c By default the system shows the Sales account name assigned while creation of the item; if user wants to change it, select the sales a/c from the list
    Credit Note A/c By default the system shows the Credit Note Account name of the item; if user wants to change it, select a new credit note account from the list
    Sales Return A/c By default the system shows the Sales Return Account name of the item; if user wants to change it, select the new sales return account from the list
    Sales Description By default the system shows the description about the sales settings of the item; if user wants to change it, enter the additional information in the field
    Purchase Settings: This option will enable the item to be marked as purchasable and it will allow you to buy this item from your vendors and partners
    Purchase Price By default the system shows the Purchase Price of the item; if user wants to change it, enter the purchase price of the product
    Purchase A/c By default the system shows the Purchase account name assigned while creation of the item; if user wants to change it, select the Purchase a/c from the list
    Debit A/c By default the system shows the Debit Note Account name of the item; if user wants to change it, select a new Debit note account from the list
    Purchase Return A/c By default the system shows the Purchase Return Account name of the item; if user wants to change it, select the new Purchase return account from the list
    Purchase Description By default the system shows the description about the Purchase settings of the item; if user wants to change it, enter the additional information in the field about Purchase Settings
    Discontinue Settings
    Mark As D Portals By default the system shows the branch names that are marked as D portals; if user wants to change it, select branch names from the list to mark as D Portals
    Discontinue Portals By default the system shows the branch names that are included in the discontinue portals; if user wants to change it, select branch names from the list to assign as discontinue portals


    Tags By default the system shows the Tags assigned while creation of the item; if user wants to change it, select the required tags by clicking on the checkbox to assign

    Apply all the required changes and click on Save.

    Updates in Details Portlet

    The process to Edit Item Dimensions is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Items App > Select the Item > Details Portlet > Item Dimensions Widget > Edit (Pencil Icon)

    By default the system displays Items Dimensions and measurement unit of the item; if user wants to update the existing Dimensions, click on Edit (Pencil Icon) option to the right corner of Items Widget and apply the changes required

    Edit Item Dimensions

    Field name Description
    Item Width By default the system shows the Width of the item; if user wants to change it, enter the width of the item and select the measurement unit from the list
    Item Height By default the system shows the height of the item; if user wants to change it, enter the height of the item and select the measurement unit from the list
    Item Length By default the system shows the Length of the item; if user wants to change it, enter the Length of the item and select the measurement unit from the list
    Item Weight By default the system shows the Weight of the item; if user wants to change it, enter the Weight of the item and select the measurement unit from the list

    Apply the required changes and click on Save

    The process to Edit Item Suppliers is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Items App > Select the Item > Details Portlet > Suppliers Widget > Edit (Pencil Icon)

    User can click on “+” button in Suppliers widget to add new organization & it shows the label of supplier organization. User can select and apply the required organization name from the list.

    Edit Suppliers   

    By default the system displays Suppliers organization name of the item; if user wants to update the existing organization, click on Edit (Three dots) option to the right corner of Suppliers Widget and select the organization name from the list

    Updates in BoM Portlet

    The process to Edit BoM(Bill of Materials) details is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Items App > Select the Item > BoM Portlet > BoM Details Widget > Edit (Three Dots)  

    User can click on “+” button in BoM Details widget to add new BoM items  & it shows the label of BoM Details. User can fill the required fields and click on Save.

    Edit BoM

    By default the system displays BoM item details; if user wants to update the existing BoM details, click on Edit (Three dots) option to the right corner of BoM details Widget and fill the required fields

    Field name Description
    Item Name By default the system displays the BoM(Bill of Materials) item name; if user wants to change it, select a new item from the drop-down list
    Quantity By default the system displays the quantity of BoM(Bill of Materials) items; if user wants to change it, enter the new quantity of BoM items
    Is Flexible Qty? The system displays whether the Flexible quantity option is enabled or not. If user wants to change it, click on the toggle. The toggle turns to green in color when enabled and red when disabled

    Apply all the required changes and click on Save

    Updates in Loyalty Settings Portlet

    The process to Edit AR (Accounts Receivable) Item Settings is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Items App > Select the Item > Loyalty Portlet > AR Item Settings Widget > Edit (Three Dots)

    User can click on “+” button in AR Item settings widget to add new settings & it shows the labels of AR (Accounts Receivable) item settings. User can enable/disable the settings and click on Save.

    Edit AR (Accounts Receivable) Item Settings

    By default the system displays AR (Accounts Receivable) settings applied; if user wants to update the existing settings, click on Edit (Three dots) option to the right corner of AR settings Widget and fill the required fields   

    AR (Accounts Receivable) Item Settings

    Field name Description
    Include Automatic Order The system by default displays whether the automatic order is included or not. If user wants to change the setting, click on the toggle to enable/disable. The toggle turns to green in color when enabled and red when disabled
    If ‘Include Automatic Order’ option is enabled, enter the quantity of the automatic order
    Enable Minimum Quantity The system by default displays whether the minimum quantity option is enabled or not. If user wants to change the setting, click on the toggle to enable/disable. The toggle turns to green in color when enabled and red when disabled
    If ‘Enable Minimum Quantity’ option is enabled, enter the minimum quantity of items in the order
    Enable Maximum Quantity The system by default displays whether the Maximum quantity option is enabled or not. If user wants to change the setting, click on the toggle to enable/disable. The toggle turns to green in color when enabled and red when disabled
    If ‘Enable Maximum Quantity’ option is enabled, enter the Maximum quantity of items in the order

    Apply all the required changes and click on Save

    Updates in Settings Portlet

    The process to Edit General Settings of the items is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Items App > Select the Item > Settings Portlet > General Settings Widget > Edit (Pencil icon)  

    User can click on “+” button in General Settings widget to add new settings & it shows the labels of General Settings of the item. User can enable/disable the settings and click on Save.

    Edit General Settings  

    By default the system displays General Settings applied; if user wants to update the existing settings, click on Edit (Pencil Icon) option to the right corner of General Settings Widget and fill the required fields

    Field name Description
    Saleable The system by default displays whether the item is eligible for sale to customers. If user wants to change the setting, user can click on the toggle to allow the item as salable (Toggle turns to Green in colour when user selects)
    Purchasable The system by default displays whether the item is eligible for purchase or not. If user wants to change the setting, user can on the toggle to allow the item as purchasable (Toggle turns to Green in color when user selects)
    Discountable The system by default displays whether the item is eligible for discount or not. If user wants to change the setting, user can click on the toggle to allow discount to the item (Toggle turns to Green in color when user selects)
    Expendable The system by default displays whether the item is eligible for expendable or not. If user wants to change the setting, user can click on the toggle to make the item expendable (Toggle turns to Green in color when user selects)
    Enable MRP (Max Retail Price) The system by default displays whether the MRP of the item is enabled or not. If user wants to change the setting, user can click on the toggle to enable MRP settings to the user (Toggle turns to Green in color when user selects)

    Apply all the required changes and click on Save

    The process to Edit Serial Number Settings of the items is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Items App > Select the Item > Settings Portlet > Serial Number Settings Widget > Edit (Pencil icon)  

    By default the system displays Serial Number Settings applied; if user wants to update the existing settings, click on Edit (Pencil Icon) option to the right corner of Serial Number Settings Widget and fill the required fields

    Edit Serial Number Setting

    Field name Description
    LoB By default the system displays LoB segment of the item; if user wants to update the existing Line of business segment, select the new LoB of the item from the drop-down list Series By default the system displays serial number series of the item; if user wants to update the existing series, select the serial number series from the list
    Series Type By default the system displays the series type of the item; if user wants to update the existing type, click on checkbox to select from the options below whether the product comes with manufactures serial number or System generated bar code
    Enable Serial No By default the system displays whether or not the Serial number setting is enabled. If the user wants to update the existing setting, click on the toggle to enable serial number for the item (Toggle turns to Green in color)
    Auto Generate Master Code By default the system displays the setting whether or not the master code is generated. If the user wants to update the existing setting, click on the Toggle to auto generate Master code for the item (Toggle turns to Green in color)
    Default Stage By default the system displays the default stage of the serial number setting. If the user wants to update the existing stage, select a default stage from the drop-down list

    Apply all the required changes and click on Save

    The process to Edit Item Warranty settings of the items is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Items App > Select the Item > Settings Portlet > Item Warranty Widget > Edit (Three Dots)  

    User can click on “+” button in Item Warranty widget to add new settings & it shows the labels of Item Warranty Settings of the item. Apply the details and click on Save.

    Edit Item Warranty

    By default the system displays Item Warranty details; if user wants to update the existing details, click on Edit (Three dots) option to the right corner of Item Warranty Widget and fill the required changes

    Field name Description
    Warranty Type By default the system displays the Warranty type of the Item; if user wants to change it, select the item warranty type as Sales or Purchase
    Tenure By default the system displays the Warranty tenure of the Item; if user wants to change it, enter the new value of the tenure term
    Tenure Type By default the system displays the tenure type of the warranty; if user wants to change it, select the new tenure type as Days, Months or Years
    Enable Auto Warranty By default the system displays whether or not the auto warranty setting is enabled. If the user wants to update the existing setting, click on the toggle to enable/disable, the toggle turns to Green in color when enabled and red when disabled
    If user enables the toggle: Enter the warranty tenure and select tenure type from the list

    Apply all the required changes and click on Save

    The process to Edit Batch Number settings of the items is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Items App > Select the Item > Settings Portlet > Batch Number Setting Widget > Edit (Pencil Icon)

    By default the system displays the batch number settings; if user wants to update the existing details, click on Edit (pencil icon) to the right corner of Batch number setting Widget and fill the required changes

    Batch Number Setting

    Field name Description
    Enable Batch Number By default the system displays whether or not the Batch Number setting is enabled. If user wants to change it, click on the toggle to enable batch number for the items (Toggle turns to Green in color when user selects)

    Apply the changes and click on Save.

    The process to Edit Expiry Setting settings of the items is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Items App > Select the Item > Settings Portlet > Expiry Setting Widget > Edit (Pencil Icon)

    By default the system displays the Expiry settings; if user wants to update the existing setting, click on Edit (pencil icon) to the right corner of the Expiry Setting Widget and fill the required changes

    Edit Expiry Setting

    Field name Description
    Item Expiry By default the system displays the Item Expiry settings; if user wants to change the setting, select the item expiry from the list as specific date or manufacturer date
    Expiry Tenure By default the system displays the Expiry tenure; if user wants to change the existing tenure, enter the expiry tenure for the item
    Expiry Tenure Type By default the system displays the Expiry tenure type; if user wants to change the existing tenure type, select the item’s expiry tenure type from as days, months or years

    Apply all the required changes and click on Save

    The process to Edit Inventory Negative Stock settings of the items is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Items App > Select the Item > Settings Portlet > Inventory Negative Stocks Widget > Edit (Pencil Icon)

    By default the system displays the Inventory Negative Stocks settings; if user wants to update the existing setting, click on Edit (pencil icon) to the right corner of the Inventory Negative Stocks Widget and fill the required changes

    Edit Inventory Negative Stocks

    Field name Description
    Allow Negative Stock By default the system displays whether to allow negative stock setting or not; if user wants to change the setting, click on checkbox to enable/disable the Negative stock allowance
    Enable Inventory By default the system displays whether inventory is enabled or not; if user wants to change the setting, click on the checkbox to enable/disable
    Aging Value By default the system displays the Ageing value of the stock; if user wants to change it, enter the aging value of the stock items
    Aging Tenure By default the system displays the Ageing tenure of the stock; if user wants to change it, select the aging tenure from the list of (days, months, years, seconds, minutes or hours)
    Refund Duration By default the system displays the refund duration period of the of the stock; if user wants to change it, enter the duration period of the refund process
    Refund Tenure By default the system displays the refund tenure of the stock; if user wants to change it, select the refund tenure from the list of (days, months, years, seconds, minutes or hours)

    Apply all the required changes and click on Save

    The process to Edit Scrap Value of the items is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Items App > Select the Item > Settings Portlet > Scrap Value Widget > Edit (Pencil Icon)

    By default the system displays the Scrap Value of the item; if user wants to update the existing value, click on Edit (pencil icon) to the right corner of the Scrap Value Widget and fill the required changes

    Edit Scrap Value

    Field name Description
    Scrap Value By default the system displays the scrap value of the item; if user wants to change it, enter the scrap value of the items

    Apply all the required changes and click on Save.

    in Items
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