Leave Policy Overview

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    A leave policy refers to the rules and regulations surrounding employee leave, including the types of leave available, the process for requesting and approving leave, and the number of days off that employees are entitled to. A leave policy typically includes provisions for different types of leave, such as vacation, sick, personal, and bereavement. It is challenging to handle all the attributes in a given time.

    BizGaze’s “Leave Policy app” simplifies the process of requesting and approving leave and provides real-time information on how many leaves an employee has remaining. The app can also integrate with other HR software to comprehensively view employee time off.

    Portlets & Widgets

    In the layout view, a Portlet accurately represents each functionality, and its corresponding data is precisely viewed as a Widget. The following section includes the default portlets and widgets of the Leave Policy App.

    Policy Details

    This section contains information outlining the rules, regulations, entitlements, procedures, and any relevant specifics associated with the leave policy

    Field name Description
    Policy Name The designated title or name of the specific leave policy. A leave policy is a document that lays down the rules and regulations related to various types of leaves that an employee can avail
    Code A unique alphanumeric identifier assigned to the leave policy for easy reference and management
    From Date The starting date from which the leave policy becomes applicable or effective
    To Date The concluding date until which the leave policy remains in effect or valid
    To Date Effective The date when the policy details are updated or modified, specifying the time from which the changes will take effect

    Leave Type

    Field name Description
    Name Leave type name is displayed. Leaves are divided into different types of categories like Casual leave, Sick leave, Paternity Leave and many others
    Short code The system generated code (Short name) of the Leave type
    Days Number of leave period days
    Is accrual? Displays whether the leave is accrual or not. Accrual refers to time off, sick leave and vacation time that ‘accrues’ as an employee works for the organization (Paid leaves)
    Accrual breakup Displays the accrual breakup period in days

    Policy Carry Forward

    A leave policy provision that allows employees to carry over unused leave days from one leave cycle or accrual period to the next, enabling them to use these accrued days for future leaves.

    This widget contains carry forward details of the leave policy


    This widget contains specific conditions, rules, or limitations outlined within a leave policy that dictate how and when employees can use their accrued leave

    Field name Description
    Weekends Between Leave Period Displays whether the weekends that fall within a requested leave duration are counted as leave days or not
    Holiday Between Leave Period Displays whether any public or company-designated holiday occurring within a requested leave period are counted as leave or not
    While Applying Leave, Exceed Leave Balance Occurs when the requested leave duration exceeds the available leave balance of an employee, necessitating special approval or adjustments as per the organization’s leave policy
    Weekend As Leave Count Indicates whether the weekends during the leave period are included in the overall calculation of the total leave duration not
    Holidays As Leave Count Involves considering public or company holidays as part of the total leave days taken, affecting the overall leave balance and duration

    Leave Applicable

    This widget contains details about the rules and limitations as to whom the Leave Policy is applicable

    Field name Description
    Gender The application of leave policy based on an individual’s gender, such as different leave entitlements for male, female or others
    Marital Status The allocation of leave benefits based on an employee’s marital status
    Designation The implementation of leave rules according to an employee’s job position or designation within the organization
    Branches The enforcement of distinct leave regulations based on the specific branch or location where an employee is stationed.
    Custom employees The provision of specialized leave arrangements for specific groups of employees as determined by the organization
    Employee Stages The adaptation of leave provisions to different stages of an employee’s career, such as probationary period, or regular employment
    Employee Tenure The allocation of leave benefits based on an employee’s length of service with the organization
    All employees The uniform application of leave policies across the entire workforce, regardless of gender, marital status, designation, or other differentiating factors

    Activity Log provide users with essential information, notifications, and real-time updates to keep them engaged and informed about key activities in apps related to updates, notifications, and stage changes.

    Field name Description
    Comments User can write short notes or comments about the Leave Policy
    Created Date Date when the Leave Policy is created
    Created By Name of the person who created the Leave Policy
    Last Updated Date Date when the last recent modifications made to the Leave Policy
    Last Updated By Name of the person who last modified the Leave Policy
    Status This section displays the current status of the Leave Policy
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.
    in Leave Policy
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