Leave Policy Update

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    The process to update existing Leave Policy is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Apps > Search for the Leave Policies App > Listview > Select the Leave Policy > Edit (Pencil Icon)  

    If user wants to update the existing Leave Policy details, user needs to click on ‘Edit’ option at the top right corner and fill in the required details

    Edit Leave Policy

    Field name Description
    Policy Name By default the system shows existing name of the Leave Policy; if user wants to change it, enter a new name of the leave policy
    Series By default the system takes series as Leave Policy
    From Date By default the system shows existing start date of the Leave Policy; if user wants to change it, select the initial date on the calendar from which the leave policy takes effect
    Is To Date Effective By default the system shows whether the end date is effective or not; if user wants to change it, users need to click on the Toggle to select. The toggle turns to green in color when enabled and red when disabled
    To Date By default the system shows existing end date of the Leave Policy; if user wants to change it, select the end date on the calendar by which the leave policy remains in effect or valid

    Policy Reset

    Is Reset? By default the system shows whether the Toggle is enabled or not; if user wants to change it, click on the toggle to enable/disable the Policy Reset. The toggle turns to green in color when enabled and red when disabled
    When user enables the Toggle (Green in color), users needs to fill the Reset details
    Reset Day Select a policy reset day from the drop-down list
    Reset Breakup Select policy reset breakup period from the list
    Description User can comment or enter short notes about the Leave Policy

    Updates in Details Portlet

    The process to update existing Restriction details is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Apps > Search for the Leave Policies App > Select the Leave Policy > Restrictions Widget > Edit (Pencil Icon)

    By default system shows the existing Restrictions and If user wants to update the existing settings, click on ‘Edit (Pencil Icon)’ option to the right corner of Restrictions widget and apply required settings

    Leave Restrictions

    Field name Description
    Weekends between leave period

    Select by clicking on the checkbox, whether or not that the weekends between a leave period should be considered as leave.

    When user selects “Count as Leave”, enter the count of number of days

    Holiday Between Leave Period

    Select whether the holiday occurring within a requested leave period are counted as leave or not

    When user selects “Count as Leave”, enter the count of number of days

    While Applying Leave, Exceed Leave Balance Select whether to allow or don’t allow to when leave balance exceeds while applying for a leave

    Apply the details and click on “Save”

    The process to update existing Leave Applicable details is as follows:

    Navigation: Menu > Apps > Search for the Leave Policies App > Select the Leave Policy > Leave Applicable Widget > Edit (Pencil Icon)

    By default system shows the existing Leave Applicable details and if user wants to update the existing settings, click on ‘Edit (Pencil Icon)’ option to the right corner of Leave Applicable widget and apply required settings

    Edit Leave Applicable

    Field name Description

    Users can select an option by clicking on the corresponding option’s circle box.

    1. Applicable for all employees

    2. Not applicable to all employees.


    Select the Gender of the employee by clicking on the corresponding circle box option.

    1. Male 2.Female 3.Others

    Marital status Select marital status of the employee from the options. 1.Single 2.Married
    Designations Select designation of the employee from the list
    Branches Select branch name(s) form the list
    Custom employees User can also select custom employees from the list to be applicable in leave (OR)
    All employees User can click on the toggle to enable leave applicable for all employees. Toggle turns to green in color when enabled.

    Apply the details and click on “Save”

    in Leave Policy
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