The creation process of Ledger is as follows:
Navigation: Menu > Ledger App > Listview > Create (+)
Note: Before going to create a Ledger, the user needs to create Ledger Group!
Note: Star(*) marked fields are mandatory!
Field Name | Field Description | Mandatory |
Ledger Name | Enter the name of the ledger. | Yes |
Opening Balance | Enter opening amount for the ledger. | No |
Amount Cr/Dr | Select the amount, type from the drop-down list. | No |
Ledger Group Name | Select the ledger from the drop-down list. | Yes |
Contact Name | Select the contact person’s name from the drop-down list. | No |
Opening Balance Date | Select the date for the ledger from when it should be counted. | No |
Branch Name | Select the branch names from the drop down list. | Yes |
Description | ||
Description | Enter the short notes. | No |
Apply all the required details and click on save.