Ledgers Overview

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    The individual bill transaction of an organization is categorized into various account types or ledgers. i.e. Purchase, Sales, etc. In BizGaze, the complete organization official transactions can be built as a Ledger report. Ledger reports can be viewed by branch wise transaction along with the “Opening and Closing of the ledger” for a financial year.

    Stage Workflow
    Stage name Description
    All The stage where all financial transactions are recorded and categorized according to their nature and impact on the organization’s finances
    Liabilities The stage where financial obligations or debts owed by the organization to external parties are displayed
    Income The stage where revenues earned by the organization from its business activities are recorded, indicating the inflow of funds
    Assets The stage where valuable resources owned by the organization, such as cash, inventory, property, or investments, are recorded, representing the organization’s wealth
    Expense The stage where costs incurred by the organization in the course of its operations, such as salaries, utilities, or inventory purchases, are recorded, indicating the outflow of funds
    Equity The stage where the organization’s ownership interests or shareholders’ equity, representing the residual value after deducting liabilities from assets, are recorded

    Portlets & Widgets

    In the layout view, a Portlet accurately represents each functionality, and its corresponding data is precisely viewed as a Widget. The following section includes the default portlets and widgets of the Ledgers App.

    Credit Amount Displays the Credit amount available to the customer of the Ledger account. It is the amount with an arrangement to pay later.
    Debit Amount Displays the Debit amount of the Ledger. The sum owed by the customer or the consumer to the lender as an advance to purchase shares or other securities is known as the Debit amount
    Total Balance It is the sum of all the credits and debits posted to the account, which includes deposits, withdrawals, and any fees or charges incurred. The Ledger Balance is used to determine the available funds in an account, and it may differ from the available balance due to pending transactions or holds on funds.

    Ledger Transactions

    This Widget contains transaction details of the customer’s ledger account. Ledger transactions are a summary of transactions made as journal entries to sub-ledger accounts.

    Field name Description
    Date Date of the ledger transaction is displayed
    Particulars Displays particulars or Opening Balance amount of the Ledger account
    Voucher no. Displays the amount of the Opening Balance of another Ledger to which the transaction is made
    Ref no. Reference number of the Ledger transaction is displayed.
    Currency value Currency value of the transaction amount is displayed

    Opening Balance

    Opening balance refers to the amount of money or other resources that an individual, organization, or business has at the beginning of a specific period, such as a financial year or a month.

    Field name Description
    Company name Company name is displayed
    OB amount Displays the Opening Balance amount or value of amount at the time of creating a Ledger. It refers to the amount of funds or assets that are recorded in an account at the beginning of the accounting period.
    OB date Opening Balance date of the Ledger account is displayed. The opening balance date is the date on which the ledger account was first established or the beginning date of the accounting period
    Description Comments or short notes about the Ledger account is displayed

    Activity Log provide users with essential information, notifications, and real-time updates to keep them engaged and informed about key activities in apps related to updates, notifications, and stage changes.

    Field name Description
    Comments User can comment or enter short notes about the ledger account.
    Created Date Displays the creation date of the ledger account
    Created By Displays the name of the person who created ledger account
    Last Updated Date Displays the last stage changed of the ledger
    Last Updated By The name of the person who updated ledger
    Status The current status of the ledger is displayed
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.

    A report is a document that presents information in an organized format for a specific audience and purpose. Although summaries of reports may be delivered orally, complete reports are almost always in the form of written documents.

    1. Ledger Master
    in Ledgers
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