Ledgers Widgets

Article sections


    Account Types

    There are three types of accounts that help you to maintain an error-free record of your journal entries. Each account type has a rule to identify its debit and credit aspect called as the Golden Rule of Accounting.

    Click on CREATE and enter details required to create account types.

    Field name Description
    Account type value Enter the amount value type of the account
    Account Type name Enter the name of the account type of the ledger

    Balance Sheet index

    The Index balance analysis is a powerful tool allowing the business owner and the analyst to develop indices and graphs that represent the economic performance, the balance sheet, and the company’s financial position.

    Field name Description
    Report type name Enter the name of the report type of the ledger

    Fiscal Years

    Field name Description
    Fiscal year Enter the fiscal year of the ledger. A Fiscal Year (FY), also known as a budget year, is a period of time used by the government and businesses for accounting purposes to formulate annual financial statements.
    Closed date Select the closing date or last date of the fiscal year from the calendar
    From date Select the starting date of fiscal year from the calendar
    To date Select the end date of fiscal year from the calendar
    Series Select the series of the fiscal year from the calendar
    Companies Select the company name from the list

    Ledgers Mergers

    A merge operation transfers balances from multiple source accounts into one or more target accounts.

    Field name Description
    Duplicate Ledger Select the duplicate company of ledger from the list
    Actual Ledger Select the original company of ledger from the list
    Delete Duplicate Ledger User can click on  the checkbox to delete the duplicate ledger account

    Ledger Types

    This section contains the different categories of ledger types like General ledger, Sales ledger, debtor’s ledger, Purchase ledger or creditor’s ledger.


    This section contains all the basic details about the ledger.

    Field name Description
    Ledger Name Displays the name of the Ledger account
    Ledger Group Name Displays the name of the Ledger group to which the particular ledger belongs to
    Opening balance date The date of the Opening balance created is displayed.
    Opening Balance Displays the amount of the Opening balance. The opening balance is the amount of funds in a company’s account at the beginning of a new financial period. It is the first entry in the accounts, either when a company is first starting up its accounts or after a year-end.
    Credit Amount Displays the credit amount of the ledger. It is the amount with an arrangement to pay later.
    Debit Amount Displays the debit amount of the ledger. The sum owed by the customer or the consumer to the lender as an advance to purchase shares or other securities is known as the debit amount
    Total Balance The total balance amount of the ledger is displayed
    Ledger Transactions
    Ledger Transactions Displays the transaction details of the ledger. Ledger transactions are a summary of transactions made as journal entries to sub-ledger accounts
    Opening balance Displays the amount of the Opening balance of another ledger to which the transaction is made

    Click on CREATE to create a Opening balance and user can also EDIT changes of the already created opening balance.


    This section contains the value of amount at the time of creating a ledger for the order. The opening balance is the amount of funds in a company’s account at the beginning of a new financial period. It is the first entry in the accounts, either when a company is first starting up its accounts or after a year-end.

    Click on CREATE (+) to add a Opening Balance details in a sub-form

    Field name Description
    Company Name Select the name of the company from the list
    Op Balance Date Select the opening balance date from the calendar.
    Opening Balance Enter the opening balance amount of the ledger
    Cr/Dr Action Select whether a credit or debit transaction action from the list

    Click on ADD to create opening balance and click on SAVE to save the details


    Field name Description
    Comments This section shows the brief description about the ledger account.
    Created Date Displays the creation date of the ledger account
    Created By Displays the name of the person who created ledger account
    Last Updated Date Displays the last stage changed of the ledger
    Last Updated By The name of the person who updated ledger
    Status The current status of the ledger is displayed
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.


    in Ledgers
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