Loan Types Overview

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    Loan Types refer to the various categories or classifications of loans based on their specific characteristics, purpose, or terms. Some common loan types include personal loans, business loans, mortgage loans, auto loans, student loans, and more. Each loan type may have distinct features, eligibility criteria, interest rates, and repayment terms.

    BizGaze’s “Loan Types App” designed to assist businesses in managing and organizing different loan types within their operations contributing to efficient loan management and supporting business growth.

    Stage Workflow

    Stage name Description
    Active The loan type is created but not yet approved
    InActive The loan type created is approved and in use
    Deleted The loan type is deleted or closed


    This widget contains the details of the Loan type

    Field name Description
    Loan Type Name Displays loan type name. Loan Types refer to the category of loans based on their specific characteristics, purpose, or terms, like personal loans, business loans, mortgage loans, auto loans and etc.
    Eligible Year Eligible year of the loan is displayed
    Perquisite Rate Perquisite rate assigned for the Loan type is displayed. Also known as Interest Rate or Per annum Interest Rate, is the percentage charged by the lender on the outstanding loan amount.
    Created By User’s name who created loan type is displayed
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