The creation process of the Meeting is as follows:
Navigation: Menu > Meeting App > Meeting Listview > Create Meeting
Note: Star(*) marked fields are mandatory !
Field Name | Field Description | Mandatory |
Series Name | Select the series for the meeting from the list. | Yes |
Partcipants | Select participant names from the drop-down list to add in the meeting | Yes |
Add Followers | By clicking on add followers, users can select the employees, customers, partners, etc., from the list for the meeting. | No |
Contacts | Select the customers from the list. | No |
Start Date | The start date and time of the meeting. | No |
End Date | The end date and time of the meeting. | No |
Subject | Enter the subject for the meeting. | Yes |
Alert me Before | By selecting the “alert me before” from the list, users can get alert by selecting time for meeting. | No |
Capture Location | Enable capture location, the address will automatically capture user GPS coordinates | No |
Planned Expense | The estimation amount for the meeting. | No |
Actual Expense | The actual expenses amount for the meeting. | No |
Address | Enter the meeting address. | No |
Add Colleagues | By clicking on add colleagues, users can select the employees from the list for the meeting. | No |
Meeting Tags | Select the meeting tag from the list for the meeting. | No |
Description | Enter the short notes about the meeting. | No |