Offer Groups Creation

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    The creation process of the Offer Group

    The creation process for Offer Group

    Navigation: Menu > Offers App > Offers Listview > Three dots (…) > Offer Groups > Offer Group Listview > Create (+) 

    The fields in the star mark are mandatory in the creation screen.

    Create Offer Group

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory
    Offer Group Name Enter the name of the offer group Yes
    Offer Type Select the offer type from the list. Yes
    LoB Select the applicable LoB from the list for the offer group. Yes
    Scheme Type

    Select the scheme type from the list.

    FoC-On-Period: FoC item will be issued after the time period is completed for all the eligible users.

    On-Transact(On Invoice): The FoC item issued on the invoice.

    Point: The offer depends upon the points to be eligible for the plan.

    Incentive Type

    Select the incentive from the list.

    Credit Note: An offer incentive that provides a monetary value to be deducted from future purchases.

    Debit Note: An offer incentive that deducts a specific amount from the total cost of a current transaction

    Wallet: An offer incentive that accumulates funds or credits for future use within a designated account.

    Series By default the system takes series as Offer Group Yes
    Description User can comment or enter short notes about the offer group

    Apply all the details and click on Save.

    in Offer Groups
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