Payroll Overview

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    Payroll or Pay Run is the process of calculating and disbursing wages, salaries, and other compensation to employees for their work within an organization.

    The BizGaze’s “Payroll” app is designed to streamline and automate the payroll process in organizations. It helps by calculating employee wages, factoring in various deductions and taxes, generating paychecks or direct deposits, maintaining accurate records, and ensuring compliance with labor laws and regulations. This app enhances efficiency, reduces manual errors, and offers comprehensive reporting for financial and regulatory purposes.

    Portlets & Widgets

    In the layout view, a Portlet accurately represents each functionality, and its corresponding data is precisely viewed as a Widget. The following section includes the default portlets and widgets of the Payroll App.

    Pay Run Details

    This widget contains basic information about the Payroll

    Field name Description
    Pay Run Name A pay run refers to the specific period for which an organization processes payroll, including calculating employee wages, deductions, and taxes


    Pay run Salaries Displays the the total salary compensation, including wages and benefits, processed and disbursed to employees during a specific pay run period
    Withhold Salaries Displays the employee’s salary that is intentionally held back, often due to taxes, deductions, or other financial obligations before the final payment is made.
    Skipped Salaries Salaries that are not processed or paid out during a particular pay run due to various reasons such as errors, discrepancies, leave without pay, or administrative issues.

    Pay Run Employee

    This widget contains the details of the employees who are part of the payroll processing for the specified pay run

    Field name Description
    Employee Displays the Employee who is employed by the organization and is part of the payroll processing for the specified pay run
    Working Days The number of days an employee has worked during the pay run period, used to calculate their earnings and deductions accurately
    Gross The total amount an employee earns before any deductions, including basic salary, overtime, bonuses, and allowances.
    Net Pay The final amount an employee receives after all deductions, such as taxes, insurance, and other with-holdings, have been subtracted from the gross pay.
    Print The Print template allows users to to generate physical or digital copies of the pay run details, which can include individual employee breakdowns of earnings and deductions for record-keeping and distribution purposes.

    Skip Employee Details

    This widget contains the details of the employees who are not part of the current payroll processing for the specified pay run

    Field name Description
    Employee Code The system generated short name code of an Employee is displayed
    Employee Name Displays the name of the employees who are omitted from the payroll processing, thereby excluding them from the current pay run calculations and payments.
    Paid Days Excluding the number of days an employee worked during a certain pay period from the payroll calculations, resulting in their absence from the payment calculation for that particular cycle

    With Hold Employee

    This widget contains the details of the employees who are with-held from the payroll processing for the specified pay run

    Field name Description
    Employee Code The system generated short name code of an Employee is displayed
    Employee Name Displays the name of a specific employees who are with-held or delayed from the payroll processing, thereby excluding them from the current pay run calculations and payments.
    Paid Days The practice of not disclosing the specific number of days an employee has been compensated for, maintaining the confidentiality of their attendance or work schedule information in the payroll records

    Activity Log provide users with essential information, notifications, and real-time updates to keep them engaged and informed about key activities in apps related to updates, notifications, and stage changes.

    Field name Description
    Comments User can write short notes or comments about the Payroll
    Created Date Date when the Payroll is created
    Created By Name of the person who created the Payroll
    Last Updated Date Last stage changed of the Payroll
    Last Updated By Name of the person who last updated the stage
    Status Displays the current status of the Payroll
    Time-Line This widget tracks all the activities within the app.
    in Payroll
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